Students of the month for September at Prairie High
School are Carolyn Sonnen, honor student, and Ashley Nuxoll, outstanding
student. Carolyn strives for excellence in her studies. She takes the time
to create professional projects and essays, as well as, completing assignments.
She is involved in a number of activities, and she still maintains an exemplary
GPA. Her dedication to learning will definitely be an asset to her in being
able to accomplish future goals. Ashley plays a crucial role in the publications
of the "Argh News." She taught all the other students how to put the paper
together from cropping photos to inserting text. Her willingness to help
others has made the production of the high school paper run smoother.
Jim May, SMH Development Director, gives a check to
Larry Kidd, SMH Chief Financial Officer and Debbie Miller, Volunteer EMT
to help cover expenses for the new ambulance. A portion of the funds were
from the Circle of Life Breakfast held last Spring..
October 24th through the 28th is Red Ribbon Week.
The Eighth Grade class is helping to promote a drug free community by creating
radio spots. Their radio spots dealt with facts about drugs and reasons
to not get involved in them. The 8th graders worked in groups of
two or three to write a 30 or 60-second announcement to be aired on the
radio. All groups did an outstanding job. Only six groups were
chosen to travel to Grangeville last Thursday. The 15 students that
arrived at KORT were able to get a tour of the building, meet the radio
announcers, talk on the air, and record their radio spots. To record,
the students went in a sound proof room and talked into a microphone. KORT
will pick three of the six groups’ radio spots to air during Red Ribbon
Week. We will know by this Thursday who those groups are. Students
who traveled to KORT were Aleana, Kristin, Sam S., Joe, Kelsey, David,
Derek, Wyatt, Amber H., Natosha, Samantha F., Justina, Casey, Kyle, and
The first graders in Mrs. Schumacher's class did "apple
research" on Thursday. Each student brought in an apple and the "research"
began. The children compared sizes, colors, and whether or not their apples
had stems. They wrote a descriptive sentence about why they liked their
apples. The children also did an experiment to see if their apple would
float or not. They concluded that all apples float no matter what the size,
shape or color. After that fun apple research the children had a yummy
snack of...what else...but apples!!!
Tim Dalgliesh recently volunteered in Cindy Schumacher's
first grade classroom. This month first graders are learning about Bats
and Spiders. Mr. Dalgliesh is shown helping the children with a project
about the "Anatomy of a Bat". The children used toothpicks to show the
bats bones. Raice Dalgliesh enjoyed having his dad help in the classroom.
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contact the editor
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