board meets
The auditor’s report was presented at the regular October meeting of the school board, held Monday, Oct. 17. Auditor Mitchell Marx of Presnell & Gage reported he didn’t find anything that needed special attention. The board passed a motion to accept the auditor’s report. The resignation of Debbie Schmidt as an aide was accepted by the board. They have received 13 applications to replace her and have four interviews scheduled later this week. The position of high school boys JV basketball coach was still open although high school principal Dave Snodgrass said they received 3 applications for the position Monday. Kress presented the board some information from other schools in the state on how they deal with sports expenses for non-enrolled students. Football was the sport of most concern at this time as they have a few players on the middle school and high school teams who are residents within the district but are not Prairie students. In his research he came up with costs of $236 per junior high player and $332 per high school player. Currently they are only asking for $30 from non-enrolled junior high players and $50 from non-enrolled high school players. Kress said he feels they need to get a policy put in place. He asked the board to review the information provided and maybe they can act upon it next month. In administrative reports Greg Deiss reported they are done with the current round of testing at the Elementary School. He also reported he had 4 new students Monday. 1 each in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. Rene’ Forsmann reported they will finish testing Friday. She had 1 new 5th grader this week. She reported next week is Red Ribbon Week and they have some things planned for the students. During the early out Wednesday, they have a lockdown drill planned for the staff. They will have city and NICI officials helping. Girls basketball and Jr. High football are winding down as this is the last week for both. Snodgrass reported the freshmen and sophomores are done with ISAT testing and they have a few juniors that need to retake portions of the test. The seniors have all passed the ISAT. During the early out Wednesday they’ll be looking at special ed law and 504 plans. 504 plans are short term individual education plans aimed at students who don’t qualify for special ed but still have special needs. Football has 2 games left and volleyball is in the district tournament. He said they also had 1 new student at the high school. Kress reminded the board about the meeting Tuesday, Oct. 18 at Lewiston on the new graduation requirements. Also to be discussed were additional P.E. requirements for lower grade levels plus some other changes proposed for lower grade levels. There were several visitors at the meeting as several senior government students were in attendance seeking extra credit. The board adjourned to an executive session at 7:52 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, November 21 at 7 p.m. |