Trauma exercise held
A disaster drill was held last Tuesday, Oct. 18 in Cottonwood.
The premise was that a meth lab in one of the NICI empty houses in the Job Corp housing west of Cottonwood blew up due to a meth explosion.
Eleven were injured with burns of several kinds.  Splinters of wood and trauma blows to the body and head.EMT's triaged accident victims at the scene.
Members of St. Mary’s ambulance crew, nurses, doctors, firemen took an active part in the incident.  Also present was Homeland Security people from Boise and Lewiston.
Triage was setup at the site to access patient injuries, and supplies were also set up at the back door of the hospital emergency room with doctors accessing patient damage.
They had a total of 11 injured with 6 critical and 5 walking.
Also present was Police Chief Terry Cochran of Cottonwood.
This was a mass casualty drill and St. Mary’s Hospital would like to thank the following:
Terry Cochran, NICI, Fire Department, Leona Blake, Jennifer Cochran, Bill & Shelli Schumacher, Logan Lustig, James Jackson, Anthony Duman, Dakota Klinkefus, Nataiva Klinkefus, Dominick Klinkefuss, Melinda Brillon-Sonnen, Kim Ratcliff, Chance Ratcliff and Debbie Wensman.
Without the help of many volunteers, a practice drill could not be held.
Tom Seubert, EMT
Victims were treated in the emergency room at St. Mary's Hospital.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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