New Parent Association meets
By Lauren Wemhoff
On October 13th, Summit’s new Parent Association held their first quarterly meeting put together and run by Leah Prigge and Sherry Nuxoll.
The topic for this first night was “Coaching Your Teen through the Dating Years.” During the night there were two speakers: Kerry Ruane, who spoke on the topic of modesty and Dave Goeckner, who spoke on how one should postpone dating until they are prepared for marriage. Also suggestions were made for good reading material.
A list is available at Summit if anyone is interested. 
After the talks were given, Sherry Nuxoll moderated a question and answer session. 
Desserts were served at the end of the evening. 
The coordinators were very impressed with the turnout and hope that many people will continue to come. Anyone interested in coming to a meeting may contact the school.

Virtue Award program changes
This year at Summit Academy the virtue award system is different.
Each individual classroom has set their own rules created by the teacher in that classroom. If that class achieves the goal of their campaign, they all get an award together.
In September, the virtue was sincerity, and the saint was St. Winceslaus. While all the classes tried hard, Ms. Ruane’s 1st and 2nd graders were the only ones that reached their goal. The prize they received for their accomplishment included a trip to the church, an ice cream party, and a soccer game. 
The virtue for the month of October is constancy. We look forward to hearing about the winners next time.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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