Choir visits NICI
The Cottonwood Community Choir brought their Christmas spirit to North Idaho Correctional Institution Dec. 12.
A soloist singing “Silent Night” drew an awed hush from the entire crowd gathered in the gymnasium.  Several other performances received standing ovations from the offenders.
After the community choir performance, NICI had different dormitories perform musical numbers and skits for their fellow offenders and the choir.  NICI presented numbers from Joy to the World, rap songs, and a soloist accompanying himself on guitar.
The evening’s music wrapped up with a Christmas sing along of offenders and choir members.

Davis Is Graduation Speaker
Grangeville School District Superintendent Wayne Davis was the guest speaker for the North Idaho Correctional Institution’s GED graduation Dec. 9.
Thirty NICI offenders received their GED diplomas that day and 21 others that graduated from the “A New Direction” substance abuse program.
Persons receiving their GED diploma have had to pass tests in writing, science, reading, math and social studies.  Last month at NICI, 92 offenders took 186 tests toward their GED.  The education component is one of the major parts of the program at NICI.  Offenders reaching the milestone of receiving their GED are expected to improve their employability once they are returned to their community.
In addition to those that graduate, many others make major steps passing tests toward their GED while at NICE, and finish their GED in their home community.
Following Mr. Davis’ speech and presentation of diplomas, cake and refreshments were served to offenders and their guests.

NICI Works On Parade
A group of North Idaho Correctional Institution offenders helped bring the Christmas spirit to Cottonwood last week.
They had spent several days decorating a 1950’s Ford fire truck with lights and figurines to be entered into the Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce’s light parade Dec. 18.
The truck’s Christmas lights were powered by a gas generator and a nativity sat atop the cab with Santa on the back of the truck.  The truck had been brought to NICI where the offenders could work on the project in their shop.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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