Cottonwood City Council meets
The local Boy Scout troop were visitors at the February meeting of the Cottonwood City Council Monday, Feb. 13.
In the water report Bill Hill reported there were 3 million gallons pumped and just over 2.5 million gallons sold so there’s still about at 17% loss somewhere. Mayor Denis Duman reported that well #5 has been shut down as a probe that automatically shuts it down when the water drops below a certain level has gone bad and is in the process of being replaced. Duman also reported the new company that will be maintaining the telemetry system will be providing new software that should make it work better and also allow them to troubleshoot the system over a direct connection between computer systems rather than always having to physically come to Cottonwood to check it out.
Max Nuxoll reported meeting with Christi Frei of CEDA on dovetailing a sewer pipe replacement project with the street project. There is a possibility of a block development grant that would help fund the project.
Nuxoll also reported that in some of the classes Roy Uhlenkott has been taking on water and sewer systems, he learned some things to look for that have helped cut back on the chlorine needed at the sewage treatment system.
Nuxoll also reported they are doing research on harvesting the agriforest - What they can do with it once it’s harvested, what kind of trees to replace it with, etc.  When it was planted it was thought they could sell the wood to Potlatch, which at the time was struggling to find pulpwood sources. That no longer appears to be an option.
Nuxoll reported they have received the annual report on their land application permit. The bottom line from the report is that the city is in compliance.
He reported they have run a camera down the sewer line on Broadway and on East St. and King St. Broadway looked fine but there are some blockages that will need to be removed on King and East Streets.
Jack Duman reported the city crew is trying to keep ahead of the potholes in the streets. 
No news so far on the grant applications although they all look promising at this point.
He said they have most of the signs replaced. He also said they will be a little more aggressive with the school crossings. They’re looking at using flags on the school crossing signs during school times.
Shelli Schumacher reported the new frame is up for the old firebell. She also reported she is looking forward to working with Prairie High School and Prairie Youth Sports on the ballfields.
Mayor Duman gave a report on the fire department in absence of fire chief Rod Behler. He said the new radio repeater system is working great. Anywhere in their coverage area they can maintain radio contact with each other and the sheriff’s department dispatching service can also monitor their communications. He said they’ll be working on getting the ambulance service on the same setup.
In new business Behler was reappointed as Fire Chief after the volunteer firemen voted to re-elect him as chief.
The Cottonwood Riding Club lease was reviewed along with their list of improvements made. The agreement is for a $200 per year lease with the possible of reductions based on improvements made. The council voted to allow $100 off for the dust oiling and weed spraying they did. Nuxoll also requested a listing of how many Riding Club members are citizens of Cottonwood.
Mayor Duman reported that he attended the county commissioners meeting on solid waste. It appears some changes are likely. 
The council adjourned to an executive session at 8 p.m.
The next regular meeting will be Monday, March 13 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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