Ski Scoop
This is the last CBSA Ski Scoop for this ski season. Although our season was short it was a good year. We've made a lot of new friends, introduced a lot of new people to skiing and visited with friends from years gone by. We've enjoyed each other's company and weathered the difficult times together.
Our last weekend was fun for all involved. Our ski patrol is not only very professional and good, but also very fun. We had to give the best hat awards to patrollers Pat Hylton, aka Jamaican Locks, and Larry Jurkovich, aka Goldie Locks.
We had all sorts of swim suits on the hill from "speedos" to "strings" and lots of laughs. Pat Hylton set up an obstacle course on the front face for all to ski and spectators to see. Skiers first went through a series of "feather-duster gates" then short turns through bamboo sticks to a football throw, over some straw bales, hit a golf ball and across the finish line. Meanwhile, the ladies from the lodge were outside serving ice cream cones to everyone. As if all that wasn't enough, the skiing was really good, too.
We appreciated having the three schools that did visit us. We are sorry the Prairie High School couldn't put it together, but we did see a lot of the students Sunday. Next year we will try and organize a liaison to coordinate this for the school.
Thanks to everyone who skied with us this year and we hope to see you all earlier next season.


Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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