Orthopedic specialists to see patients at SMHC
Physicians and Physician Assistants from Lewiston Orthopaedic AssociatesDr. Marvin Kym are currently seeing patients at St. Mary’s Hospital, Cottonwood Clinic.  They have clinic hours one day per week every other week.  The next regularly scheduled clinics in April will be Friday the 7th with Andy Schug, PA-C and Friday the 21st of April with Dr. Marvin Kym and Jeremy Ostermiller, PA-C.  All of the physicians of Lewiston Orthopaedic Associates will be rotating through Cottonwood in addition to physician assistants.
“We are excited about better serving our patients on the Prairie by making our physicians and physician assistants more accessible,” said Dr. Kym.  “Surgical procedures will still need to be done in Lewiston, but pre- and post-operative appointments can conveniently be done through the clinic at SMHC.”
Andy Schug, PA-CSMHC has collaborated with Lewiston Orthopaedic Associates for a number of years to bring services to people, locally.  Prior to his retirement last year, Dr. Ned Schroeder regularly saw patients at the SMH Cottonwood Clinic.  “We’re fortunate to have such a good relationship with the medical staff at Lewiston Orthopaedics because it certainly saves a long trip for our patients,” said Theresa Uptmor, SMHC Clinics Coordinator.  
Other specialists with clinic hours at SMH’s Cottonwood clinic include cardiologists from Heart Clinics Northwest in Spokane and Dr. Barry Bergen, Neurologist.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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