City Council meets
The Wimer ballfields were the major topic of discussion at the April meeting of the Cottonwood City Council held Monday, April 10. Scot Schlader and Kevin Daly of Prairie Youth Sports were in attendance and put forward a request to add an additional storage building as the storage in the concession/restroom building has become inadequate. Discussion of where to locate the proposed building was held. There was also discussion on getting an agreement down in writing as to what each party would be responsible for. City Attorney Joe Wright suggested they look at Grangeville’s agreement and use that as a starting point. City Clerk Carol Altman will get some copies made and get them to the councilors as well as Prairie Youth Sports. Mayor Denis Duman said he would like to get this done by the May meeting. Jack Duman had a lengthy street report. He said the transportation plan is nearly complete and later in the meeting a resolution was passed by the council to accept the West Camas transportation coalition’s transportation plan as the city’s plan. He reported that the city just missed out on their Broadway St. grant request but that they were the next on the list. This means they could still get funded if the transportation department’s emergency money is not needed. This would mean they could get funded at the end of 2007 instead of the beginning. It will be May before they hear on the sidewalk and dust abatement grants but both look good. Duman reported there will be a class April26-27 on setting up gravel streets or roads for mag chloride. There will be engineers in attendance to show how to do it right. Signage materials are here and they are working on getting signs updated. Also the street lights on Main St. are being looked at for replacement. Mayor Duman reported this is turning into a bigger project than expected as footers will be replaced and the wiring routed underground. The state is funding this project. Jack Duman also reported they will look into some blade patching on Lewiston St. as any grant funding to repave it would like be several years away. He also reported The Hangout is getting ready for putting sidewalks on their lot and also are looking at paving the whole lot. In the land and buildings report Shelli Schumacher reported they have received another Arbor Day grant and will be planting some more trees. She also reported that Jerry Richardson’s classes are working on new park benches. In the water report Bill Hill said they pumped approximately 3 million gallons and billed 2 million. In the sewer report Max Nuxoll said he has looked into doing a groundwater study instead of the lagoon seepage study. Both are rather expensive. He asked the DEQ just how extensive these studies have to be. Nuxoll reported on the work on Main St. was to fix the sewer line from Nuxoll Shell that was apparently damaged when the water line work was done. Theressa Baldridge of NICI informed the council that they are looking to increase the availability of work crews. They are also planning to go with some smaller crews of 4 or 5 instead of the usual 12 as 12 men aren’t always needed for some projects. A budget hearing date was set for Tuesday, Sept. 5 at 8 p.m. The city is still looking for a volunteer to serve as the city’s representative on the IdaLew Economic Development Council. The Cottonwood Riding Club lease was tabled as they haven’t yet provided the necessary information. Mayor Duman wanted to make sure people know that nothing is changing at the Riding Club. There are apparently rumors going around that the city is going to take it out and put a fire station in there. This is not the case. The council adjourned to an executive session at 8:35 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, May 8, at 7 p.m. |