Night to have Mexican theme
Dust off your sombreros and maracas for this upcoming fantastic fiesta! Summit Academy is announcing the 2006 Mystery Night theme, which is "A Mystery Night Fiesta." It will be held on Saturday, September 23, 2006, at Greencreek Community Hall, and all are invited to attend. There are only 350 tickets that will be available for purchase starting on June 1st, for $100.00 each. Each ticket admits you and a guest and presents you with the opportunity to be included in a drawing for many prizes, with the grand prize package being worth $10,000. The grand prize package options will be announced at a later date. This Mexican-themed evening is one of Summit Academy's major fundraising events. Even if you cannot attend, you are invited to still purchase a ticket and send an amigo to enjoy the night as your proxy. It is a great opportunity to support the youth in our community and have an exciting evening out. If you would like more information or you would like to purchase a ticket, please contact Linda Beckman at 208-962-7157, Kim Stubbers at 208-962-3010, or any of the Summit Academy parents. Ole! |