Juniors host Casino Night for the Seniors
On May 7, the Prairie High School junior class organized the first annual Casino Night for the senior class of 2006.  The purpose of this dinner is for all of the students of these two classes to celebrate the years that they have spent together, as well as, for the juniors to wish the seniors a safe farewell and luck in their futures.The senior class
The room was decorated with game cards and shapes, as well as the casino tables.  These tables were loaned to us by St. Anthony’s Parish.  We appreciate your help to make the night entertaining.  
The evening started with a welcoming speech from junior class president, J.D. Riener.  Vanessa Hylton, vice-president, joined the group in a blessing before the meal.   The meal, which was served by the junior parents and organized by Colleen Sonnen, was of the finest consisting of BBQ ribs prepared by Greg Sonnen, potato salad prepared by Joanne Sonnen, Marge Schumacher and Norma Schumacher, red apples, and rolls.  The classes and advisors were treated like royalty, as their meal was brought to them (with the option of seconds, of course!).  Dessert followed—cheesecake with chocolate dipped strawberries.
The junior class.At the conclusion of dinner, the students hit the tables.  What was at stake?  Only prizes to bid on with their winnings!  Thanks to the junior dads, as dealers, for helping the students learn what real gambling was all about.  Some students walked away with a few gift certificates, while others walked away broken-hearted after losing all of their winnings in a final attempt to double up.  After the auctioning off of the prizes, Carolyn Sonnen bid the class of 2006 farewell.
The evening was spectacular, and all who attended seemed to have enjoyed the food and the company.  The night would not have been possible without the help from the Junior Class Officers:  J.D Riener, Vanessa Hylton, Carolyn Sonnen and Shandrie Poxleitner; the advisors:  Sarah Remacle and Colleen Sonnen, the junior parents: all of the moms who cooked, served, and helped with clean-up; the dads who dealt; Joanne Sonnen, Marge and Norma Schumacher for the potato salad; Greg Sonnen for making the ribs; and all of the juniors that helped with decorations, set-up and clean-up.  Thank you for all your hard work to make this night special.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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