the Patrons of District 242
On Tuesday, May 16, the Cottonwood School District will hold an election from 12:00 noon until 8 p.m. regarding the 2006-2007 Supplemental Levy, in the amount of $209,000. This amount is $30,000 less than last year’s levy and $54,000 less than the levy of two years ago. We again cut 10% out of each of the three school’s Materials, Supplies and Textbook budgets, along with 10% from the Administrative Materials and Supplies budget. This is the 4th time we have reduced these budgets in the past five years. In the past, due to the financial burdens the district has faced, it was necessary to eliminate several teacher, classified personnel, and administrative positions. Also, salaries have not been raised in the past five years. We are doing our best to keep the levy amounts as low as possible and still run the best schools in the State of Idaho. Did you know that last year our student test scores on the ISAT were among the highest of any school district in the state of Idaho? We have our parents, students, teachers, principals and superintendent to thank for these outstanding results. You can be certain that our first priority is to provide the best possible education for our young people, and our second priority is to do it as efficiently and economically as possible. We thank you for your past support and request your support on this smallest possible Supplemental Levy. We will host a question and answer session before our regular meeting on the 15th of May at 6:30 p.m. in the district boardroom. Any questions you may have about the budget will be answered at that time. Sincerely, Cottonwood Jt. School District # 242, Board of Trustees
John Nida, Chairman Brit Groom, Vice Chair Kellie Bruner, Member Della Gehring, Member Roy Schumacher, Member