Queen candidates are sought
The Idaho County Fair Royalty committee is seeking young ladies ages 15 to 17 interested in participating in the 2006 royalty program. The event includes a contestant picnic sponsored by the 2005 royalty set for July 18, a catered luncheon set for Aug. 2, and participating in the fashion show and other fair events at the 2006 fair set for Aug. 16-19 at the Idaho County fairgrounds in Cottonwood. The participants are asked to give a two-three minute speech and will have a personal interview with three judges from outside Idaho County. These ladies do not have to be involved with 4-H to participate. This is a community event and an opportunity designed for anyone who desires to participate. The Royalty Program is a scholarship event that awards a $400 scholarship to the queen and a $300 scholarship for both the 1st and 2nd Princesses. Royalty applications can be picked up at Likkel Insurance and the Idaho County Extension office located in the Grangeville Court House. The application deadline has been extended to July 7th. For questions or information contact Marilyn Schoo at 983-2434, Linda Nida at 962-7161, or Lonna Vopat at 983-5133. |