Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council had a short meeting Monday, July 10. Ken Seubert appeared before the council with concerns about the intersection at Maple and Front Streets. He reported the brush there is making it hard to see oncoming traffic from up the hill when turning out on to Front St. Also complicating things is a dumpster that’s been setting there. Mayor Denis Duman said they are aware of the problem with the dumpster but have not gotten any response from Walco about moving it out of the street right-of-way. City attorney Joe Wright said they have no more right to put something in the right-of-way than anybody else does. The city was to give Walco an ultimatum to move it by noon Tuesday. The only department reports were from the police and streets. Police Chief Terry Cochran’s report was a written one presented to the council members. Jack Duman reported they have started the paperwork to get the new sweeper truck ordered. He said they hope to get it ordered by the end of the week. He also reported that Rod Behler and Clark Hinkelman plan to redo the sidewalk in front of their homes along Lewiston St. Hinkelmans would also install a sidewalk on the Bash St. side of their new home. He reported they hope to get the piece of Main St. in front of Arnzen Drug repaired as this week they should be starting on making hot mix. Duman also reported that the transportation consortium is moving along on the truck for mag chloride application. Mayor Denis Duman reported that there will be 11 new light poles going in on Main St. and King St. up to the pole at the Chronicle. The Idaho Department of Transportation will be installing the new poles with the power supply being moved underground. Duman said he is also continuing to push that they have outlets available for installation of Christmas lights. A request was approved to give St. Mary’s Hospital free rent at the hall for their Safe Sitter class. A catering permit from the Royale Room for a beergarden at the city park during the Fair was tabled for lack of action. The beergarden is proposed as a fundraiser for the Faith Formation class. Councilor Max Nuxoll reported that summer hire Ashley Jackson has been doing a good job with mowing and other duties. He also suggested getting an inmate crew to sweep the sidewalks before the Fair. Mayor Duman reported on the garbage ordinance discussions the county is holding. He reported there are a lot of issues to deal with. One of them being what should go in the ordinance and what is better served by putting it in the garbage service contract. Duman said that one thing that appears to be assured is a surcharge to city residents for using the county dumpsters. At present it looks like the city charge would be 10% of what county residents pay or about $15.70 per year which would amount to an additional $1.31 per month. Jack Duman put in a request to contact Qwest about upgrading the local phone service. The council adjourned at 8:06 p.m. Their next regular meeting will be Monday, August 14 at 7 p.m. They have scheduled a budget workshop for July 26 at 7 p.m. |