promote return of surveys
Both Clearwater Valley Hospital and St. Mary's Hospital initiated a patient satisfaction survey program last month and continue to encourage clinic, ER and inpatients to return their mailed surveys. Displays have been set up in some of their satellite medical clinics to remind people of the survey process. “The surveys will be mailed to the patient within two weeks of being discharged from our hospitals or being seen in our ERs or clinics,” said Jeanette Gorman, Community Relations Coordinator. “Not every patient will receive a survey, but we’re hoping that those who do will fill them out and return them in the postage paid envelope.” The results will be tabulated and reviewed on a quarterly basis. The feedback will be used to improve services and celebrate the areas achieving high scores. According to Gorman, all surveys are kept strictly confidential. There is a space for a signature, but it is optional. “Most areas of the country have only a 30-35% return rate on surveys, but we’re hoping for much higher scores,” said Gorman. “I anticipate that people will be more than willing to complete the survey. It only takes five to ten minutes, yet the results will help us shape our customer service program.” CVHC and SMHC administer two hospitals, seven medical clinics, four PT clinics and two home health programs. CVHC is located in Orofino and SMHC is situated in Cottonwood. Both are members of the Benedictine Health System based in Duluth, Minnesota. |