course offered
We’ve all been told how important it is to take care of ourselves. If you have been watching for an opportunity to learn more about how to improve your health through proper nutrition, handling daily stress, and by adding exercise to your lifestyle, it’s time to take action. A four week Wellness Course will be offered to adults in our community by instructor Theresa Carter. Mrs. Carter has a masters degree in adult education and has been an instructor of various courses including English, Health, Lifetime Sports, and Weightlifting at Prairie High School for 17 years. The information taught in this class will cover aspects of wellness including physical, mental, and social components. Participants will also learn how nutrition, exercise, stress, and communication interact to influence one’s level of personal wellness. The course will start on October 11th. It will meet in Room 111 at Prairie High School from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. every Wednesday evening until November 1st. The cost to participate in this very beneficial course is $35. Class size has been limited in order to give each participant maximum individual attention. Please call Nancy Uptmor ASAP at home, 962-7775, or at the high school, 962-3901, to register. |