Notes from City Hall
Another summer has come and gone and the fall activities are in full swing.  Campaigns for the fall election have the town festooned with candidates’ signs and the paper is full of letters of support for the various races.  Please study each candidate and ballot issue carefully and make a concerted effort to get out and VOTE.
It seems each season brings a new type of fire danger and now that the forest and field fire season is drawing to a close, the chimney and house fire season begins.  A nasty house fire broke out last Sunday and had the Fire Department busy on scene for some 10 hours.  Old construction and a metal roof hampered the Firemen’s best efforts to extinguish the blaze even though it was controlled fairly quickly.  The lack of fire blocking and fire partitions, common in today’s construction, caused the fire to spread quickly and hide in the various attics and walls making it difficult to locate and extinguish.  It became necessary to allow the fire to burn through the end walls and collapse the upper floor before the fire was exposed and could be effectively attacked.  Finally, a backhoe was used to continue exposing the flames so they could be reached and snuffed.
A big thank you goes out to the firefighters who protected the adjacent structures, which sustained NO damage, the Red Cross for helping the displaced residents get food and shelter, the neighbors and wives of the firefighters who provided food and drink for the exhausted firemen, the EMTs and ambulance crews that assisted in the effort and provide a measure of safety for all in the fire area and numerous others who assisted in the effort.
As a reminder, once the fire crews are on the scene, they are in charge of and responsible for the fire scene and only emergency crews are authorized to be on the fire ground.  Access by others, no matter what the relationship or connection to the scene, must be authorized by the Incident Commander.  Emergency crews already have enough to deal with and be responsible for without unauthorized people entering the fire ground area or structure. We would also like to remind people that it is illegal to drive over ANY fire hose at ANY time.  Fire hoses can be in the street as much as 3 blocks away from the actual fire and driving over them is a grave risk to the fireman on the other end.  Please don’t do it!
By weeks’ end, the Idaho Department of Transportation should have the Main Street lighting project completed.  Thank you to all for their patience with the mess and inconvenience during the construction.  What started out as a request by the City to have the old poles painted resulted in the replacement of the lights and poles as well as the replacement of the pole foundations and installation of the electrical wiring underground.  Removal of the overhead wiring and much of the old signage has really improved the look of the downtown area.  Circuits were also added at each pole for Christmas decorations and the flags will be re-installed when the State crews are done.  All work is being completed at NO expense to the City.
In closing, I would like to thank the Council and City Crews for their continued work and support in making the Community a better place to live.  I would also like to thank the citizens, especially the ones who volunteer and participate, for their contributions to the community.  
Denis B. Duman, Mayor   

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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