106 donate blood
The community had a very successful Blood Drive last Wednesday thanks to the faithful donors and the challenge from Police Chief Terry Cochran to the law officers, St. Mary's EMT's and the Fireman to see who could get the highest number to respond. We had 106 come to donate with 97 usable units. Very good.
The law officers won the challenge with 13. Six St. Mary's EMT's came. And there were four fireman. Heading the law officers was Police Chief Terry Cochran. The others were Kevin Rehder, LaWanda Thomasen, Naomi Laurino, Brad Lutz, John Roberts, Glenn Edwards, Warden Lynn Guyer, Jane Cash, LeRoy Peneku, Diane Hutton, Emmett Wilson, and Bill Farmer.
The six St Mary's EMT personnel were: Thomas Seubert, Daniel Sigler, Diana Holubetz, Thomas Stefan, Jacob Holthaus and Linda Beckman. The four firemen were: Curt Terhaar, Ed Holthaus, Brian Latimer and Clancy Slichter. What a great addition they all were to our drive.
Fourteen brave donors came for the first time. Brad Lutz, Erin Shears, Donna Latimer, Ryan Daly, Naomi Laurino, John Roberts, Glen Edwards, Lynn Guyer, Jane Cash, Jacob Holthaus, Diane Hutton, Angie Latimer, Brian Latimer and Clancy Slitcher.
We also have to note the donors who reached a milestone in their donations. They were; Chris Kaschmitter, 6 gallons, Sharon Schaeffer and Bud Uhling, 5 gallons, Sr Janet Barnard and Sr. Chanelle Schuller , 3 gallons, Norm Sonnen 2 gallons and Vicki Shears and Mary Duuck, 1 gallon.
The high school group Health Occupations Students of America came with a crew of 14 students to assist the regular volunteers. It was great to see how well they fit into the regimen and were a big help. Thank you to them and director Shari Daly. Also a big thank you to all the faithful volunteers who always come to assist.
It was a great drive and the community can pat itself on the back for a job well done. See ALL of you and your friends Feb 6 at our next drawing.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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