Does Salt Affect Temperature?
By: Danielle Cochran
The 8th grade class found out how salt affects temperature on the last
week of October by making Ice Cream. They did this by adding cream
and sugar into two small bags, and
then adding 400mL of ice and 100mL of water into larger separate bags,
and putting the smaller ones inside of the larger ones, and label one Salt
and the other No Salt. The class then took the consistency and temperature.
After that the groups would shake the bags for 20 minutes and at every
5 they would stop shaking and check the temperature and consistency.
In one of the groups their salt bag started at a low 2°C and went lower
to -5°C, but after that it stared drastically rising to 2°C, 8°C,
and the highest 13°C. The salt bag though stayed in an average
temperature of 4°C, 2°C, 1°C and 7°C. In the end
the classes found out that salt affects the freezing point of water by
making it go down for a while then drastically rising to melt ice and heat
the water. While the salt affected the water it did not affect the
consistency of the cream all that much. All that really happened
to the cream of one group was that the Salt one started solidifying and
them in the next five minutes it went back to a cream, and the No Salt
one just got a little chunky. Near the end of the 20 minutes though
both of that groups bags were pretty much creamy. The next day the
classes got to see and eat the finished Ice Cream. Most of the Salt
bags were Crystal like and chunky, while most of the No Salt bags were
creamy and soft, but the Ice Cream was still good.
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