National Go Red for Women Day
In recognition of the American Heart Association National wear red for heart disease awareness; St. Mary’s Hospital Cardiac Rehab department presents the following:
Heart disease is the #1 killer of American Women.  “Go Red for Women” is the national call for women by women to take charge of their health and live stronger, longer, healthier lives.
What began as a grassroots awareness campaign has quickly grown into a movement involving women, men, health care providers, celebrities and political figures.
Across America the red dress and the color red are becoming recognized as the symbols of women’s empowerment to improve their heart health.
The facts:
* Heart disease is the #1 killer of women in America today.
* Approximately 45% of all women report that they have never discussed heart disease with their physician.
* One third of American women are obese.
* About 40% of all American women do not participate in aerobic physical activity.
* Heart disease kills more women than does cancer.
What can you do?
* Learn the warning signs of heart attack and stroke.
* Schedule regular check-ups with your health care professional and discuss heart health.
* Keep track of your blood pressure, cholesterol and weight.  If you have any of these problems take steps to change them.
* Don’t smoke, if you do smoke stop.
* Eat a balanced diet that is low in saturated fat, trans fat and sodium.
Help celebrate the second anniversary of National Wear Red Day on February 4, 2007 by wearing red with me and women around the country in support of awareness of women about heart disease.
If you have questions call me, Mary Watson, RN, St. Mary’s Hospital Cardiac Rehab at 208 962-3251, ext 233.
My next article will be on the warning signs of a heart attack and stroke.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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