Calendar for 2007-08 approved
The school calendar for the 2007-08 school year was approved at the February meeting of the school board held Wednesday, Feb. 21. The calendar is shown below. There was only one bid submitted for the high school sub water abatement project, that coming from Arnzen Building Construction. Morris Arnzen of Arnzen Building said if there is a more economical way to do this bid, he’d like to work with the district on it. It was suggested to approve the bid but allow for negotiations and that’s the way the bid way approved. Two resignations were approved. They were from Dave Snodgrass, high school principal, and Carol Schmidt, elementary aide. The board approved the safety busing reimbursement request. This deals with 73 students and is pretty much the same as in past years. This has to be re-approved each year. Superintendent Stan Kress reported on legislative activity. He stated there is a bill to be voted on that would take businesses off of property tax (HB 206). There is also a bill where someone could retire and receive retirement benefits but still be able to be a teacher or administrator full or part-time in an Idaho school (HB 202). The fact that 60% of Idaho teachers and administrators are now older than 50 led to this bill. In the administrative reports, Snodgrass handed out copies of the flyer for the Red Cross blood drive at the high school. He reported the students were great with the staff. He also reported the unscheduled junior-senior girls event went well. They went to the Craigmont bowling alley Tuesday, Feb. 20. He reported 25 art students are going to Moscow on the 27th. He also reported the crisis team met to see if they need to make any changes. Greg Deiss reported the 4th graders have been taking NAEP tests in math, reading and language arts. They received $500 from the Booster Club that was used to purchase digital cameras. He reported the Ratcliff’s are still receiving lots of donations through the schools. The elementary students sent the girls basketball team off to state with cookies and good luck cards. They will be doing the “Students in Print” again this year with all elementary students. Heidi Holubetz and Laurel Henry were the top spellers in the elementary spelling bee. March 5-9, Missoula Children’s Theatre will be here for a production of “Robin Hood.” Rene’ Forsmann reported the gun safety class was held Jan. 29-Feb. 2. She said they had a request for details from Riggins, who would like to do a similar program. Feb. 5 they hosted junior high knowledge bowl with 8 teams participating. Spelling bee winners were Brock Heath, first, and Betty Clark, second. They are still working on the Principal Academy of Leadership (PAL) program. It helps do a better job of teaching students and makes for better testing scores. At the Nez Perce tribal breakfast in Lapwai they received $6,000 instead of the $12,000 they’d requested. $4,000 extra in title I funds will help make up the difference. The language arts departments for grade 3-12 met. They wanted to know if the middle school if doing what’s needed for high school prep. The high school teachers will train the middle school teachers on what’s necessary. Feb. 15 was the assembly for the candy sale which is the school’s fundraiser. Funds from this go to many different things at the school. A Wellness Day was held Feb. 16, coordinated by Colleen Sonnen. This is part of the safe and drug-free schools program. High school students came and worked with the middle school. Forsmann reported Cottonwood Police Chief Terry Cochran would like to run the drug dogs through the high school and middle school. 5th and 6th grade students will be attending a science program in Pullman. Kress reported he attended the state superintendents’ convention in Boise. He received new information from the state, ISBA and Tom Luna. Kress said that Luna has been more progressive than he expected. He reported he is working on the superintendent candidates. A questionnaire was handed out on the superintendent interviews. Board member Della Gehring had a couple of concerns. She said on the handout that parents were to sign for extracurricular activities that everything is clarified except it says the coach will deal with the athletes cussing. She wanted to know if this was an issue. It has to do with respect and the coach must demand the respect. She was also concerned about the soot from the boilers. The faculty is breathing it in each year. She also said when there’s an inversion at the high school, it doesn’t go away with the wind. Kress reported the air quality guys were in the last couple years and this didn’t show up on their report. The board adjourned to an executive session at 8:24 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, March 19. It will start with a social at 6:15 p.m. in the Elementary School library then move to the board meeting room for the business part of the meeting at about 7 p.m. 2007-08 School Calendar Following is the school calendar for the 2007-08 school year that was approved at the school board meeting Wednesday, Feb. 21. Teacher Inservice Aug. 27, 28 First Day of School for Students Aug. 29 Labor Day - No School Sept. 3 Early Out, Professional Development Sept. 19 In-Service Days - No School Oct. 4, 5 End of First Quarter Oct. 26, (Student Days 40 ) Early Out, Professional Development Oct. 29 Early Out, Parent/Teacher Conf. Nov. 1 Parent/Teacher Conference - No School Nov. 2 Early Out (Thanksgiving Vacation) Nov. 21 Thanksgiving Vacation - No School Nov. 22, 23 Early Out, Professional Development Dec. 5 Early Out - Winter Break Dec. 20 Winter Break - No School Dec. 22-Jan 4 End of Second Quarter Jan. 18, (Student Days 47) Martin Luther King Day - No School Jan. 21 Early Out, Professional Development Jan 22 Early Out, Professional Development Feb. 13 President's Day - No School Feb. 18 Early Out, Professional Development Mar. 12 End of Third Quarter Mar. 21, (Student Days 43) Spring Break - No School Mar. 24-28 Early Out, Professional Development Mar. 31 Early Out, Parent Teacher Conferences Apr. 4 Parent/Teacher Conference - No School Apr. 5 Early Out, Professional Development Apr. 16 Early Out, Professional Development May.14 Graduation May 23 Memorial Day - No School May. 26 Early Out, Last Day of School June 6, (Student Days 48) |