Youth Activities for April
April brings with it the final commitment for our Confirmation candidates. They are finishing last minute service projects, classes, and will be attending a retreat at St. Gertrude’s Monastery. Confirmation will take place at St. Mary’s on May 7th at 7:00 p.m. On April 10th at 7:00 p.m. Debbie’s Confirmation group will meet at the JHPB at 7:00 to finish the final chapter of our book. Please answer question 45-50 and be prepared to hand them in. On April 18th all Confirmation candidates are asked to meet at 3:45 at St. Gertrude’s Monastery for a retreat. Dinner will be provided. The retreat will end at 7:30 p.m. On April 23rd the candidates are asked to meet after the 6:30 mass for a class on the Eucharist. Following the presentation we will be training Eucharistic Minister training and lectors. Please pray for these young people as they step forward to make a deeper commitment in their faith through this Confirmation process. Peer ministers are asked to meet at Debbie’s office on April 2nd at 7:30 to evaluate the ministry and plan for the Jr. High Bible Study on April 25th. All High School Youth are invited to the JHPB on April 4th at 7:00 p.m. to watch the “Passion of the Christ”. This is a great way to prepare your heart for the Easter celebration. On April 5th, Holy Thursday all youth are invited to meet in the back of the church at St. Mary’s at 10:00 p.m. for adoration. (We will not be watching a movie on this first Friday because it is Holy Week). On April 7th you are invited to the Easter Vigil at St. Mary’s, as Amber Frei will be baptized. Come and join us as we celebrate Amber’s entrance into our community of faith. On April 9th at 3:30 we will have a social at the Coffee Mill. All High School youth are invited to share in this time of friendship. At 7:30 on the 9th we will meet in at the JHPB to determine if we will participate in the Relay for Life that will be held in July. All 8th grade and High School youth are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting. We need your opinion and input. Please tell your friends. On April 11th the team going to Africa will meet at the JHPB at 7:00 p.m. to discuss fundraising opportunities for the future. Please be present if you plan on going to Africa in 2008. There will be a youth mass on April 14th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s. All assigned ministers please be present or get a replacement if you can not make it! On April 16th at 7:30 the Bread of Life Bible study will meet in Debbie’s office. We will begin a new study so if you would like to join us, now is the time. On April 25th the Peer Ministers will host the Junior High at the JHPB at 7:00 p.m. All Jr. High youth are encouraged to attend. On April 27th Debbie will meet at Lewiston to evaluate and discuss ICYC 2007. In respect to this convention I would like to thank the Tri-parish communities for their support and involvement throughout process. Your involvement made this one of the best conventions ever. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Finally on April 29th at 7:00 p.m. all High School youth are invited to the Keuterville hall for a Jam Session. Come and joint us in a night of fun and music. All High School youth are invited!!! I would like to wish everyone a blessed Easter. May the risen Lord fill you all with his loving presence and unending hope. Rejoice the Lord is risen!! In faith and service, Debbie Chicane Tri-parish Youth Minister |