"Where there's smoke, there's fire"
July 11, 2007 will mark the 100 year anniversary of the formation of the Cottonwood Volunteer Fire Department.  The following are some excerpts from meeting minutes and records of the department throughout the years.

Fire Department Members
February 15, 1940 – “We had the pleasure of recognizing a couple of the old Tribe, brothers V.A Dye and Frank Albers, who had served with the Department for a long number of years.  In the past year or two they have been inactive in the Department but still faithful to the gong in case of need.”

The 1947 roster of firemen included: Hans Bonhoff, Rollie Buettner, Matt Engel, Lester Reed, Wm. E. Simon, Rudolf Sprute, Mike Hilbert, Al Nuxoll, Leo Schultz, John Jenny, Clarence Nau, Ed Tautfest, Ed Armstrong, Urban Riener, Gene Laufer, John W. Seubert, Sam Kennedy, and Harold Mader.

Business Topics
September 16, 1929 – “W.W. Flint reports telephone office has list of firemen and ten shorts will call them to battle flames.”

January 16, 1934 – “Dr. Orr was voted to membership as an Honorary Member.  He gave the Department a very interesting talk on First Aid and it was decided that at each regular meeting the Dr. would take up a different step in First Aid.”

February 15, 1940 – “Chief Stoddard called attention to the fact that if the fire hose after being used was not properly taken care of the consequences would be a rotten mess, or words to that effect.”

January 22, 1945 – The treasurer’s report showed $482.40 in the bank with one bill at Joe’s Bar unpaid along with another unidentified bill of $500.00.

February 21, 1955 – “Motion by Harold Mader, seconded by Jake Kopczynski, that Secretary Carl Schmidt be instructed to buy a pair of nylon stockings for the telephone girls carried.”

February 20, 1972 – “The first meeting to be conducted in the new fire station was called to order by Chief Fred Behler.”

July 14, 1941 – “Chief Engel reported putting out a fire in the Royale Hotel of this city, of considerable dimension.  The fire was in a bedroom and was soon under control.”

November 19, 1956 – “A check for $30.00 and expression of thanks was given to the fire department from Joe Klapprich for putting out the fire at his place during the summer.”

August 15, 1960 – “It was noted that, due to one of the hottest and driest late spring and summers ever experienced in the area, the smaller truck had to make more out-of-town calls than in any other season.  This included helping on the 6,000 acre range fire in the Salmon River breaks near Keuterville.”

March 17, 1980 – Al Roloff thanked the department for an outstanding job during the Country Still fire.”

August 19, 1991 – “Discussion of the fire at old Texaco building on July 21.  Fred Behler has made a donation to the Department to help say thanks for saving his Cadillac from the old Texaco building fire.”

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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