"Where there's smoke, there's fire"
July 11, 2007 will mark the 100 year anniversary of the formation of the Cottonwood Volunteer Fire Department.  The following are some excerpts from meeting minutes and records of the department throughout the years.  There will be more history published each week prior to the anniversary.

Fire Department Members
January 22, 1945 – Election of officers included: Harold Simon, Chief; William E. Simon, Assistant Chief; and August Hoene, Secretary/Treasurer.  “Mr. Hoene made objection that the Chief doesn’t answer calls at night.  After being put right, he withdrew his objection.”

In 1988, the Fire Department roster included: Willie Mader, Dave Shears, Kevin Kaschmitter, Rod Behler, Don Nuxoll, Dave Fuzzel, Mike Sonnen, Denis Duman, Gary Riener, Morris Arnzen, Joe Didier, Mike Lerandeau, Mike Nuxoll, Pat Long, Dan Johnson, Bob Michels, Joe Seubert, Bill Schumacher, Ken Pepper, Tom Sonnen, Bruce Gehring, and Ken Stubbers.

Business Topics
September 23, 1940 – “Through some oversight of the Secretary, it was discovered that no recording was made of a certain resolution passed in June 17th meeting.  That being making it the privilege of members attending a meeting to retire to a refreshment parlor, or such, and enjoy a treat, the equivalent of ten cents, this privilege to be extended to each and every one and the cost of this social to be paid out of the Fire Department funds.”

June 15, 1987 – “The meeting then took a five minute recess to watch the Great Bank Robbery.  It came over one of the pagers that City Police Officer Gary Stone was checking out a white van behind the bank.  Gary Riener laughed and said it was the janitor’s car.  So we went out and watched it all.”

November 21, 1994 – “We discussed the state’s recent insurance rating for Cottonwood.  We have dropped from a 7 to a 5.  The Bureau let Chief Behler know that it is very rare for a town to drop 2 points and congratulated our Department and the City for a job well done.”

February 16, 1931 – “E.C. Wortman reported that the Council had purchased a new ford truck for the use of the department.  Motion made by E.C. Wortman, second by F.V. Baker that a finance and building committee be appointed, for the purpose of raising money for, and to erect, a building for the new truck.”

May 18, 1931 – Geo. Kirwin reported that the fire station had been built and paid for.  He also stated that the lot was donated by Felix Martzen.”

Fires & Emergency Response
May, 1954 – “Three calls were made to extinguish fires at the old Brewery building.”

December 21, 1964 – “Discussion of the recent night fire at the Chris Jensen house was held.  Temperatures were below -30° F and it was felt that all firemen did the best job possible under the existing conditions.  Motion was made by Don Hoene and seconded by Mark Tacke that Fred Behler paint two rubber coats with luminous paint for the Chief and Assist. Chief for better visibility of these two men at night fires.  Motion carried.”

The following photograph is of Cottonwood Volunteer Firemen fighting the fire at the Didier apartment building in October, 2006.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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