Activities for Tri-Parish Youth
Can you believe summer is over? School bells are ringing and students are gathering as friendships are being renewed and summer events are being discussed. It is in the midst of these conversations I would like to invite you to join us in this month of Tri-parish Catholic youth activities. (First week) On September 2nd the Team for Africa will be serving at the Nau wedding in Ferdinand. The wedding begins at 3:00 p.m. Please be at the hall at 4:30 p.m. The Bread of Life Bible Study will meet in Debbie’s office on Sept 5th @ 7:00. On Sept 6th Debbie will be in Lewiston for “Deanery Days” at St. Stans. School. On Sept 7th, first Friday the youth will meet at the JHPB @ 8:00 for a movie and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will follow. Please bring a snack for the movie. Pop will be provided. (Second Week) On September 10th the “Team for Africa” will be having a meeting at the JHPB @ 7:00 p.m. All members need to be present. On Sept 11th the Peer Ministers will meet in Debbie’s office at 3:30 to plan the Junior High Bible Study. All Peer Ministers are asked to be present! On Sept 12 the Adult Leadership Team will meet @ 7:00 @ the JHPB to discuss upcoming events in youth ministry. Please be present if you are on the adult team. Sept 15th we will have our first youth mass at St. Mary’s @ 7:00 p.m. Prior to the mass we will be handing out surveys for interest in small groups that will be meeting throughout the school year. I have not finalized these groups yet, therefore keep your eye on the bulletin the first week in Sept for the group listings and their leaders. These groups are a great way to be connected with your friends, do something you like, and engage in good conversations with faith filled adults. Also, as part of the evening of the 15th we will have a back to school bash, fiesta style in the church parking lot. All High School and Junior High Youth are invited to attend. You are invited to help us kick off the school year in style!! (Third Week) On Sept 17th the Team for Africa will be at Lauretta Poxleitner’s house @ 6:00 p.m. to make sauerkraut for our upcoming October German Dinner. Mark your calendars for October 7th. (Place and time to be announced) On Sept 19th the Peer Ministers will be hosting the Junior High Bible Study @ the JHPB @ 7:00 p.m. All Junior High youth are encouraged to attend. (Fourth Week) Sept 24th @ 7:00 p.m. there will be a Renew meeting for High School youth. The life issues we will be studying throughout the school year are based on the book “Theology of the Body”. Come and share some time with us discovering God’s plan for love and life in your teen world. Sept. 26th all High School and Junior High youth are invited to the Coffee Mill for a social. Come and share a night of games and fun with your friends from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Please bring $5.00 for snacks and drinks. Sept 27th-Sept 29th is the Fall Conference in Boise. Please pray for the group of adults who will be attending this conference. Once again we enter the busy zone of life. As you delve into your new schedules remember to see what is important. As Father Haldane said in his last homily, “Where your treasure is, also your heart will be”. Where is your treasure? Have a blessed September!!! In Christ’s faith and service, Debbie Chicane Tri-Parish Youth Minister |