City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their November meeting Monday, Nov. 12. The election results were approved. Out of 50 ballots cast Denis Duman received 33 votes for mayor, Jack Duman received 44 votes, Shelli Schumacher 31 votes and Jay Hinterlong 33 votes. Apparently there were a lot of ballots with only 1 or 2 positions of the 4 open positions marked. During the police chief’s report there was discussion about winter sledding. A motion was passed to locate barricades near the city reservoirs that could be used to close off Madison St. to allow for sledding when conditions warrant. Police chief Terry Cochran would like people to know that he and the city would like to see sledders there than other places in town that are much less safe. Hinterlong reported that the water tanks have been cleaned and the older tank received some repairs. There was a lot of pitting in the metal on the inside and this was repaired before those pits could become holes. He reported there was money in the budget for these repairs. He also reported that there have been several clean tests on the water since the one that showed clorifoms. 3 leaks were repaired during the past month. Jim Steinke reported that they have shut down watering the agriforest for the winter. Mayor Duman reported the new touchscreen control for the telemetry system has been installed at the clerk’s office and they are again able to control the water pumps and sewer system remotely. Jack Duman reported he is still working on grant applications. He is looking at a $500,000 sidewalk enhancement grant, a $1.6 million grant for repairs to Lewiston St. and a Safe Routes to Schools grant that Ron Grant is working on. City of Cottonwood Resolution 2007-4 was read and approved later in the meeting. It concerns pedestrian safety and states the city supports the sidewalk enhancement project. It is part of the grant process. Jack Duman reported that was one of the things they got downgraded for in last year’s application. Resolution 2007-3 was also read and approved. It states the city supports the Highway Standards and Development Procedures plan developed by the West Camas Transportation group. Schumacher reported the ramp is finished and painted to the new door on the Broadway St. side of the fire station. The maintenance shop has been moved to the new building and work continues on making the former maintenance shop part of the fire station. Mayor Duman reported the work has come in $10,000 under budget. They are looking at taking some of that money to make the fire station more energy efficient, possibly by adding more insulation in the tin walls. He reported they are looking at holding an open house for the new maintenance shop possibly in February and maybe one for the expanded fire station at about the same time. He also reported that the fire department received 6 used airpacks from Spokane that are identical to the ones they already have. The Spokane department was changing theirs and offered their old packs at no charge. Planning and Zoning will be looking at adoption of the 2006 building codes. The state has to adopt them first then the cities and counties can follow. Stan and Cassi Lockett were in attendance seeking information about getting access and water and sewer to their lots between Smith and Garrett Streets to the east of King St. They were given a couple of options to pursue and may want to look into others. Jerry Coppernoll had looked into this several years ago and Mayor Duman said it looked like he might be on the way to pioneering a street into there but then nothing further happened. Mayor Duman reported Idaho County is working on a multi-hazard mitigation plan. Some things concerning Cottonwood that he would like to see included are an emergency power supply to the wells and flood damage mitigation. There is grant money available from Homeland Security to help with these kinds of projects if they are included in the county’s plan. The council adjourned at 8:25 p.m. The next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. |