needs volunteers
Prairie Community Library NEEDS YOUR HELP. Volunteers are needed to keep the library open. Due to everyone's increased schedules the current volunteers are not always available to work during the libraries scheduled hours. Most of our volunteers have other jobs in addition to the time they are donating to provide this valuable service to the community. Many of you may have noticed that the library has been closed when it should be open. That has usually been due to new Librarian Jennifer Cochran also being a member of the St. Mary's Ambulance EMT crew and having to respond to a call. Apologies for any inconvenience when that happens. You can help make sure that doesn't have to happen. The library will have a calendar where you can sign up to volunteer to work a shift occasionally to help make sure the library is available to the community when it is supposed to be. Our hours are Tuesdays 10:00 - 5:30, Thursdays 1:30 - 5:30, and Saturdays 10:00 - 1:00. If you want to see our library stay open and can donate a little time to that effect please stop by. We are located in the basement of the Community Hall on King Street. |