wins spelling bee
The event started out with simple words such as “blue”, “jump”, “circle”,”tulip” and “card”. Then words became more challenging such as,“punish”, “frolic”, “tornado” “February”, “reptile”, “cosmos”, “salami”, “newfangled”, “salami”, “glitz”, “mosque”, “idiom”, and “inferno” leaving some people scratching their heads as words were spelled correctly by students. Soon contestants were knocked down to two siblings, 6th grader, Kayla Duclos, and 8th grader Kody Duclos. While the spellers dwindled, the finalists pressed on through several bruising rounds. The word was walrus. Kody won it with w-a-l-r-u-s. “Sweet” he said after getting the nod from the judges. His seemingly easygoing approach didn’t show he was really hoping for the top honor. Second place winner, Kayla Duclos, 6th grader hopes to be a finalist next year. Even though Kayla spent a lot of time thinking about the word, “inferno” was the word that took her out. The competition drew a library filled with parents, siblings and staff. In attendance was Tara Duclos who stated that there was excellent competition in the bee this year. She attributes Kody’s spelling skills to lots of reading. Kody Duclos will go on to participate in the Regional Spelling Bee March 8 at the Williams Conference Center at Lewis-Clark College at 1:30 PM. The winner of that bee will go on to compete at the National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. |