County Democrats favor Obama
Idaho County Democrats found the recipe for a successful presidential caucus on February 5th — two outstanding presidential candidates, lively debate, and 167 enthusiastic and eloquent caucus participants. “The real story here,” stated county chair Linwood Laughy, “was that number,—167—despite the fact that major roads leading to Grangeville were officially closed due to blizzard conditions.” Laughy cited a statement made by John Nida of the Idaho County Sheriff’s Office, who was involved in rescuing area residents from their abandoned cars on U.S. 95, that the blowing snow was so bad he had to wear goggles to be able to keep his eyes open. “We know many Democrats simply weren’t able to get to the Senior Citizens Center,” Laughy said, adding “We planned for 250, and would have had that number with normal weather.”
After a series of speeches and votes, caucus goers designated 3 or their 4 delegates to the Democratic state convention for Barack Obama and the remaining delegate for Hillary Clinton. The Clinton sub-caucus selected Cindy Roberts of Grangeville as their state delegate, with Nan Miguel, also of Grangeville, as alternate. Supporting Obama at the convention will be Kay Kidder of Kamiah, Karen Hendrickson of Kooskia, and Linwood Laughy of Kooskia. Jim Jeffery of Grangeville is an alternate for the Obama delegates, along with Bonnie Schonefeld and Margaret Sand, both of Big Cedar.
Many caucus participants brought donations for the Idaho County Food Bank. Members of Grangeville High School’s Future Farmers of America assisted in the collection and delivery of a pick-up load of food stuffs for the food bank. 
Idaho County Democrats meet at 7:00 p.m. at the Grangeville Senior Citizens Center on the second Monday of every month. For current information on events and candidates, visit

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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