City Council meets
The Cottonwood City Council held their regular February meeting last Monday, Feb. 11 with a light agenda. In new business Rod Behler was re-appointed as Fire Chief by Mayor Denis Duman. Police Chief Terry Cochran explained conversations with the Fair Board in regards of usage of the fairgrounds during an emergency. City Attorney Joe Wright discussed concerns over costs and declarations of emergency. It was voted to table the topic until things can be worked out between the Fair Board and the city. In the reports, Jay Hinterlong reported there have been no problems for the water system in the past month. Shelli Schumacher reported the new hall furnace should be installed in March. She also gave the council a booklet of suggested revisions for the hall completed by U of I students in conjunctions with the Horizons group. She reported the hall floor was to be refinished during the week. Ron Grant reported the fire department had one ambulance assist call in the past month. He also reported that the rural trucks had been moved to the upper part of the fire station and that additional work will be done this spring on the building. He said the department is receiving 8 to 10 used air packs, free of charge, that have been tested and ready to use. Jack Duman reported the city crew has been busy grading snow. The sidewalk grant has been submitted and the Lewiston Street and Safe Routes to School grants are being worked on. Duman also reported that he and Roy Uhlenkott are working up a drainage plan for the Terrace Addition. Hinterlong reported that the last Ida-Lew meeting dealt with discussion of training programs and courses. The next meeting will be in Kooskia on Feb. 26. Mayor Denis Duman reported he and Hinterlong met with Butch Walker and Marietta Holman of Walco to discuss solid waste issues. The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, March 10 at 7 p.m. |