Hatchery in the Classroom Program
The Hatchery in the Classroom (HIC) Program brings steelhead trout history, hatchery operations and fisheries conservation to life for Prairie Elementary students. Throughout the program students learn about steelhead in their natural environment by rearing them from egg to fry. This program is interdisciplinary, hands-on and targets 4th gradersPrairie 4th graders at the fish hatchery at Ahsahka.
Prairie Elementary students in Mrs. Kim Schumacher and Mr.Urban Wassmuth classes, and parents had a guided tour of Dworshak National Fish Hatchery Tuesday, March 4, 2008. The focus of the tour was on the steelhead fish life cycle at the hatchery. The tour route included the spawning balcony where students had a bird’s eye view of the taking and fertilizing of eggs. Next, the tour took students into incubation rooms, nursery, and the outdoor facilities. Volunteers and guide Susan Sawyer were available throughout the tour to answer questions students asked about the process.
This day of fun and educational activities allows students to learn about the hatchery and our state’s natural resource of steelhead fish. If you would like more information about these and other events taking place at Dworshak National Fish Hatchery contact the education office by phone at (208)476-4591.


Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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