tour set for July 1
There will be a Prairie area crop and conservation tour on Tuesday, July 1 starting at 7 a.m with a breakfast at the Community Center in Craigmont. At 7:30 a.m. there will be a presentation about CNFA Agribusiness Volunteer Program in Moldova and upcoming risk management program by Ken Hart, UI Extension Educator. At 8 a.m. the tour bus departs. Tour stops include variety trials, breeding nursery, nitrate/nitrogen efficiency study, conservation and riparian area work. The tour will conclude at approximately noon. At noon there will be a free barbecue hosted by the Clearwater/Lewis Farm Bureau. Lunch includes a special speaker and marketing will be discussed. Please pre-register by June 27th. Call Lewis County at 208-937-2311 or Idaho County at 208-983-2667. The tour is presented by UI Extension, Lewis County Soil Conservation District, Lewis County Wheat Growers, Idaho/Lewis Crops Extension Advisory Committee and Idaho County Grain Producers. Sponsors include Simplot-Jacklin Seed, Bell Equipment, Inc., McGregor Company, Columbia Grain, Primeland Cooperatives, Nezperce Ag, Clearwater/Lewis Farm Bureau, Seeds, Inc., St. John Hardware & Implement Co. and Northwest Farm Credit Services in Cottonwood. |