Todd Nida named as Chief Administrative Officer at SMH
Todd Nida was recently named as Chief Administrative Officer of St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics. His responsibilities include overseeing the day to day implementation of policies that impact the performance of the hospital and clinics. He will work closely with Casey Meza, CEO; Theresa Uptmor, Chief Business Services Officer and Iris Hawley Chief Patient Services.  He also serves as Director of Materials Management.Todd Nida
“Unlike most businesses our facility is staffed 24/7 which means we have situations that arise round the clock.  Our staff need quick answers to questions and prompt attention to their concerns,” said Meza.  “Those questions and concerns are extremely varied so we have members of our administrative team designated to address issues, but we also needed someone on site every day to coordinate the overall hospital functioning.”
Nida recently drafted policies and procedures to address tightened security measures at the hospital after the incident with the Idaho County inmate.  “Todd, Iris, Theresa and I work together closely to ensure the hospital and clinics run smoothly.  Iris fields concerns related to patient care, Theresa oversees the business and billing aspects of our facilities and manages the clinics,” said Meza. “ My responsibilities include overall oversight, but I also must dedicate time to strategic planning or laying the ground work to ensure that our services are here not only for our patients today, but their grandchildren tomorrow.  We have to keep up with the latest in medical care and our physical buildings and manage the changing financial picture.  Todd is a welcome addition to the team because he’ll help manage the day to day functions.”
Prior to joining the SMH staff last year, Nida served as Branch Manger for Oxarc, Inc. in Lewiston for over 15 years.  He serves on the tri-parish committee in Lewiston helping plan the consolidation of their three Catholic churches.  His family is planning a move to Cottonwood in the near future.  He spent part of his childhood in Cottonwood.
 “Working at St. Mary’s has brought me back to Cottonwood and the small town atmosphere I value and want to be a part of,” said Nida. “Joining St. Mary’s has also brought me together with a wonderful group of people who truly make a difference in the lives of people.”
Nida’s wife, Mary Lee, is a nurse.  They have three sons. Shane, 22, works at ATK in Lewiston; Levi, 19, is currently enrolled at LCSC and works for Oars and Fazzari’s and Isaiah, 10, plays the piano and jumps on his trampoline.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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