earn perfect 4.0 averages at PHS
Thirteen students earned perfect 4.0 grade point averages for the fourth quarter of the 2007-08 school year at Prairie High School. They were Sarah Arnzen, Jessica Gehring, Kayla Lorentz and Kim Schaeffer in the senior class; Carly Behler, Leora Laurino, Emily Lerandeau and Kristi Poxleitner in the junior class, Kyler Shumway and David Sigler in the sophomore class and Seth Guyer and Silas Whitley in the freshman class. Seniors earning high honors (3.5-3.99 grade point average) were Lauren Duman, Alli Holthaus, Brooke Holthaus, Nick Johnson, Abbi Lustig, Alex Richardson, Tiffany Schaeffer, Ariel Whitley and Christa Wilson. Juniors making the high honors list were Kristin Buescher, Laura Gehring, Rachel Kaschmitter and Navid Parwin. Sophomores earning high honors were Andrew Gabica, Mariah Lynch, Kelsey Marker, Gina Seubert, Mary Shears, Samantha Spencer and Wyatt Williams. Freshmen making the high honors list were Meaghan Bruner, J.C. Enriquez, Brock Heath, Kayla Johnson, Michael Karel and D.J. Walker. Seniors earning honors (3.0-3.49 gpa) were Kris Banning, Chantel Boniecki, Kenneth Enneking, Carson Heath, Gina Holthaus, Calista Karel and Casandra Schaeffer. Juniors making the honors list were Steven Baerlocher, Eric Daly, Kyle Daly, Jennifer Enneking, Bryce Forsmann, Tyler Forsmann, Michele Geis, Kara Guyer, Samantha Johnson, Kevin Karel, Chelsea Long, Justina Mader, Katie Nuxoll, Jami Riener, Nikole Roeper, Brianne Stubbers and Kaylee Uhlenkott. Sophomores earning honors were Chelsea Geis, James Hager, Alena Hoene, Amber Holthaus, Kyle Holthaus, Brandon Poxleitner, Eli Rad, Taylor Ratcliff, Derek Schaeffer and Joe Schumacher. Freshmen on the honors list were Betty Clark, Dani Cochran, Kendra Dinning, Mitchel Jungert, Beau Schlader and Devin Schmidt. |