passes ATV-UTV ordinance
The Cottonwood City Council passed the ATV-UTV ordinance at their July meeting, Monday, July 14, with one change from the version that appeared a month ago in the Chronicle. Added was allowance for ATV’s or UTV’s equipped with snow blades to temporarily drive on sidewalks for the purpose of snow removal. Otherwise it passed as printed previously. The final version is printed elsewhere in this week’s Chronicle and becomes law with this publication. In other business a special use permit for Emmett and Cindy Wilson was approved. This allows for pasturage of horses in a class A zone to keep down vegetation in what is otherwise a vacant lot. There were several limitations put on the permit such as no more than 2 horses and no other livestock. Also they cannot use it before May 1 or after Sept. 30 and that it is not to become a feedlot. Police chief Terry Cochran submitted a request for revocation of the city’s liquor license at the Busdastublup. He reported that their state license has already been suspended until Dec. 5 due to dispensing of liquor that didn’t come from the state liquor dispensary as well as not destroying the state stamp on empty bottles. Cochran reported they had a party going on there at 3 a.m. one morning and when he and a couple of sheriff’s deputies responded they were not allowed in and several city ordinances were reportedly violated at that time. City attorney Joe Wright said they could not revoke the license at this meeting but that it would have to go through a hearing process. The council passed a motion to get the hearing process started. Easements were approved for Avista and Qwest through city property to the site of the proposed Verizon cell tower. Also a liquor catering permit was approved through the Keuterville Pub & Grub for the Beergarden at the Fair. One was approved for August 20-22 and a second for August 23 as single catering permits are limited to 3 days. The Beergarden will again be a fundraiser for the Catholic youth as it has been the past couple of years and will be run by their parents. There was discussion of a proposed ordinance establishing school zones. Police Chief Cochran said the new state law on school zone speed limits is limited to designated school zones with set hours. He has conducted a traffic study on where they would best be served. There was some discussion and any action was tabled until the next meeting. In the reports there was a 21% difference between water sold and water pumped but much of that can be accounted for by street work and use by the highway district from hydrants that aren’t metered. Mayor Denis Duman asked if future water reports could include comparisons with past years. In the sewer report Ron Grant reported the city crew did a great job in getting the sewer main relocated behind Jerry Richardson’s new house. It apparently was in private property and has been relocated to the city’s alley right of way. He also reported they have purchased the equipment to be able to do their own seepage testing on the lagoons. It had been costing them approximately $10,000 each year they had to hire an engineer to do it. For about half that they purchased the equipment and although they still would have to send the data to an engineer it will save a bunch in the long run. At present this testing is required only every 5 years or so, Grant said he felt it was especially worthwhile since several area communities are already being required to do the testing more often, with at least one required to do it annually. Grant said they would also be able to get more accurate and reliable data. In the street report Jack Duman said the mag chloride work is nearly finished for the year although there are a couple streets they might shoot again. Several need just a shot of water to finish them up. The terrace addition drainage issue has been put off to next year due to time and budget constraints. He reported they’ve been doing some patching and striping. Roy Uhlenkott reported they are going to get the street behind the post office repaired soon. In the land and buildings report Shelli Schumacher reported the meeting with the Riding Club went well concerning the Verizon tower. She reported there have also been a couple of architects who have checked over the community hall. In the fire department report Grant said they had just 1 rural fire and no city fires in the last month. They also got 40 used air tanks from Spokane at $25 each. This is a very good deal as they cost close to $600 apiece new. Grant said this puts the department in very good shape on air tanks. Democratic candidates for the state legislature were in attendance and each gave a short spiel to the council and answered questions. They were Randy Doman, candidate for District 8 state senate, and Jim Rehder and Dick Adams, who are running for the two state representative seats from District 8. All are seeking to unseat Republican incumbents. Doman is running against Lee Heinrich, Adams against Ken Roberts and Rehder against Paul Shepherd. The council meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Monday, August 11 at 7 p.m. A budget workshop has been set for Tuesday, August 5 at 7 p.m. |