GROW! is a Catholic Adult Faith Formation opportunity open to all interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. Each small group has chosen to meet on different days or evenings of the week, so there should be a meeting time that fits your schedule. Small group leaders for GROW!2008 chose the course Adventures in 1 Corinthians by an overwhelming majority. In addition to this new course, groups may choose to continue with the US Catechism for Adults or do the Bible Timeline which have both been offered in the past. Each group leader is asked to call Pat Schmidt at 962-3214 with your group’s choice of study and the number of books to order. The order for cd’s and study guides will be made this Friday, Aug. 22. Anybody new to the GROW! program can call Lynn Goeckner(962-3133) or Leah Prigge(962-2357) for more information. All are welcome and encouraged to participate.