named top showman
Jessica Munson of Kooskia was the Round Robin Grand Champion Showman at the 2008 Idaho County Fair. She was also grand champion sheep showman. Mikel Harrington also of Kooskia, the grand champion beef showman was the reserve champion Round Robin winner. Wyatt Williams of Ferdinand was the reserve champion showman for beef. Kelsey Tidwell of Cottonwood was reserve champion showman for sheep. For market swine, Logan Schumacher of Greencreek was the grand champion showman while Camille Schumacher of Greencreek was reserve champion showman. For dairy heifer Damian McWilliams was grand champion showman while Jessie Costa was the reserve champion. For horses, Taylor Canaday of Grangeville was grand champion showman while Kristin Kaschmitter was reserve champion. For rabbits Grace Ann Denham was grand champion showman while Hannah Paisley was reserve. Brittany Filon was grand champion showman for poultry with JoJo McNamee as reserve. For goats Chrysann Lusich was grand champion showman with Bailey Cullin as reserve. In dog showmanship Kimberly Frei was grand champion with Tate Stowers as reserve. They reversed those positions in Dog obedience. In the quality awards Wyatt Thanstrom of Grangeville had the grand champion for beef while Sarah Seubert of Cottonwood had the reserve champion. In beef heifers Julia Workman had the grand champion while Obie Tuning had the reserve. In dairy heifers Damian McWilliams had the grand champion while Kylie Tidwell had the reserve. For Calves Kylie Uhlorn of Ferdinand had the grand champion. For market lambs Drew Lindsley had the grand champion while MiKayla Riener of Cottonwood had the reserve. For market swine Camille Schumacher of Greencreek had the grand champion while Sheri Schumacher, also of Greencreek, had the reserve. For rabbits Grace Ann Denham had the grand champion while Lindsey Styhaus had the reserve. For goats Chrysann Lusich had the grand champion while Sarah Davis had the reserve. For poultry Hunter Connolley had the grand champion while Emily Lane had the reserve. In the livestock judging contest Ana Pauley was awarded 1st place overall with Tessa Godfrey 2nd, Keith Holcomb 3rd, Victoria Davis 4th and Laine Pratt 5th. Top beef judge was Pam Holman. Pauley was the top swine judge and Jessie Costa was the top sheep judge. In the Rate of Gain Dan Wemhoff had the highest rate of gain beef steer at 4.46 lbs./day. Kimberly Frei had the top gaining lamb at 1.31 lbs./day and Tucker Stefan had the top gaining market swine at 2.8 lbs./day. Top junior Livestock Record Book award went to Alexandria Rockwell while Meaghan Bruner of Cottonwood was the top Intermediate and Julia Workman was the top senior. Top horse receord book award went to Camille Tosten. Top senior Ag Demonstration award went to Julie Workman with Tate Stowers receiving the intermediate award and Jake Shoup the junior award. The Barnyard Beasties 4-H Club received the 4-H Herdsmanship Award which goes to the club demonstrating the top sportsmanship, courtesy, stall and pen cleanliness and decorations. Top Community Service Project Poster award went to the Rough Riders 4-H Club for their St. Jude Ride. Outstanding 4-H Angus Project Awards went to Wyatt Thanstrom for highest placing Black Angus Market Steer and to Julia Workman for highest placing Black Angus Breeding project. Jade Gutsman received a jacket from the Idaho Salers Association for the top 4-H Saler Beef Project. Mikel Harrington received a trophy for the top Hereford 4-H beef project. Brittany Filon received the Idaho County 4-H Ewe Project award. She will receive 3 open ewes and is responsible for their breeding, feeding and management until next year’s fair. She will keep the oldest ewe and all of the lambs produced except one lamb. This lamb and the two youngest ewes will be passed on to next year’s winner. Keuterville Livestock 4-H Club received the award for highest percentage of beef projects. Top Feeder Pig project awards went to Camille Schumacher, 1st place, and Branda Ailport, 2nd place. Top Overall Swine Project award went to Camille Schumacher. Top Overall Sheep Project award went to Jessica Munson. Top Overall Beef Project award went to Wyatt Thanstrom. Munson also received the Top Overall Agriculture Project award. The Dave Klapprich Memorial Award, given to a graduating senior who illustrates the goals of the 4-H program, went to Chantel Boniecki. Senior mugs went to Boniecki, Jeanna Schaack, Kim Schaeffer, Kenneth Enneking, Nichele Carpentier, Jon Rice and Jacklynn Thompson. Sale grosses over $260,000 The 4-H Livestock sale at the 2008 Idaho County Fair grossed $260,542.55 this year. A record amount due in part to the record number of animals sold, 255. There were 101 lambs that made weight with an average price per pound of $4.79, average price per head of $614.94 and gross total of $62,109.50. There were 100 hogs sold with an average price per pound of $2.65 and price per head average of $671.58 for a gross total of $67,158.70. 54 steers were sold at an average price of $1.95 per pound and $2,431 per head for a gross total of $131,274.35. Numbers were provided by the Idaho County Extension Office.