Lewis County Float is Best of Show at Parade
The Lewis County Fair Royalty float was chosen as Best of Show at the 2008 Idaho County Fair Parade held Saturday, August 23 in Cottonwood.
They also were first among royalty entries with the Idaho County Fair Royalty second and the Kooskia Saddliers Royalty third.
In the Commercial Division Wells Fargo Bank was awarded first place with U.S. Bank second and Cottonwood Community Federal Credit Union third.
Among Non-Profit/Organization entries the VFW-American Legion Color Guard/Veterans and Idaho National Guard entry took first place with Keuterville Livestock 4-H Club 2nd and Valley Livestock & More 4-H Club third.
Among equestrian entries the Miniature Horses entry by Judy Uhlorn and Bobbi Tidwell took first with the Liberty-American Jack Stock Mammoth Donkey entry by Kristi Kingma taking second and the Cottonwood Riding Club entry third.
Parade chairman Linda Nida thanks everyone who entered the parade this year with special thanks to announcer Joe Seubert and the parade judges.
The Lewis County Fair Royalty float, which was judged Best of Show and first among royalty entries.
The VFW and American Legion Color Guard.
The Wells Fargo Bank float was 1st among commercial entries.
This pair of mini-horses drawing a mini-stagecoach was part of a mini-horse entry by Judy Uhlorn and Bobbi Tidwell that took first among equestrian entries.
Children swarmed after the candy thrown out from many of the parade entries.
A Liberty American Jack Stock Mammoth Donkey.
The PHS Cheerleaders.
The PHS band got to ride through the parade.
Cottonwood Credit Union's float.
Grand marshals Ambrose and Margie Schumacher wave to the crowd.
Keuterville Livestock's Sale or No Sale float.
St. Mary's Hospital and Clinics float.
Veterans got to ride through the Parade in this National Guard personnel carrier.
U.S. Bank's float.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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