Marks Centennial with FREE Concert Series
As part of the 2008 - 2009 Centennial celebration of “100 Years ‘at
Home’ in Idaho”, the Monastery of St. Gertrude in Cottonwood, Idaho is
hosting a series of free concerts entitled “TRADITIONS SHAPING TOMORROW”
– a celebration of our friends in music and story; honoring Benedictine
traditions of the past; celebrating present traditions at St. Gertrude’s
and featuring local and regional musicians. The first event will be held
on the Feast of St. Hildegarde of Bingen, Sunday September 14, 2008 from
2:30 - 4:00 PM in the monastery chapel. This concert honors St. Hildegarde
of Bingen, Abbess, musician, artist, herbalist, educator and Mother Hildegard
Vogler, foundress of St. Gertrude’s in Cottonwood 100 years ago. It features:
Carletta Allen of Cottonwood, violinist, accompanied by Sister Cecile Marie
Uhlorn, organist; Kathryn Radakovich of Lewiston, vocalist, accompanied
by Sr. Cecile Marie Uhlorn; and The Jellybeans of Pullman/Moscow, an a
capella choral group. The public is invited to join the community at St.
Gertrude’s for this relaxing afternoon of music, celebration and learning.
Additional concert dates will be Sunday November 16, 2008 and Sunday, February
22, 2009. (Details to be released prior to the events). For more information
or directions please contact Sister Bernadette Stang at 208-962-2072.
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