to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Letter to the Editor:
I wish to ask all voters to support Paul Shepherd for State Representative
from District 8. He has done a great job in Boise for us. He
is a business man himself so he knows what our needs are. Retired
government workers don’t have a clue. He supported a personal property
tax exemption of $100.000 for all businesses which removes the tax liability
entirely for 88% of all Idaho businesses.
The two Democratic commissioners have done enough damage in our county.
Why send them to Boise where they will have the opportunity to foul up
the entire state?
Vote for Paul Shepherd, Ken Roberts, and Lee Heinrich, who all work
very well together.
Donna Wassmuth
Sali—A Better Early Childhood Education Plan
I support Congressman Bill Sali because he supports the best form of
early childhood education-loving parents. Sali wants to protect families
through seeking lower taxes, limited federal involvement, and common sense.
Walt Minnick, on the other hand, supports Barack Obama’s early childhood
education plan that represents the largest intrusion of the federal government
into intimate family issues America has ever seen.
Research shows that Head Start, daycare, and pre-kindergarten are all
poor substitutes for the loving, individualized instruction and interaction
that responsible parents give. The Obam plan which Minnick supports
relies on the failed standard of government daycare-a downward spiral which
leads to higher government spending, higher taxes, forcing more parents
into the workforce and taking additional time from their children.
Couple this discredited state-child model with Obama’s desire to have the
federal government teach sex education to kindergartners and we can start
to see the radical shift the Obama-Minnick plan really is.
Bill Sali supports motherhood and families by wanting to lower government
spending so that they can perform the important work of early childhood
education. Bill Sali supports the institution of the family.
He has my vote.
Rep. Steve Thayn
Emmett Idaho
Letter to the Editor
Today there are two competing ideologies Conservatism and liberalism
and every election cycle both political parties run on a conservative platform
to get elected. Case in point, Bill Sali’s opponent sounds more like a
Republican candidate than Bill Sali. Now if his opponent is so conservative
why is he supporting the Democrat platform? In Idaho County we have the
same issue concerning Paul Shepherd’s opponent, he too is saying he’s just
like Paul Shepherd, yet he too supports the Democrat platform and their
nominee Barack Obama. I find it interesting that the Democrat opposition
likes to sound like Republicans yet they will support a candidate in Barack
Obama who has blocked legislation to require life saving care to children
born alive during a botched abortion. Paul Shepherd’s opponent even opposed
the amendment to the Idaho state constitution which defined marriage to
be between a man and a woman.
When we support Democrat candidates we support their platform, do you
really think their leadership will let them stray from the fold on their
hard core left ideology. Just look at the last election in congress and
you will find your answer. Many democrats ran on a conservative platform
yet voted consistently with the Democrat leadership. If it looks like a
duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck it probably is a duck.
If you want to vote for the true Republicans, then vote for Bill Sali
and Paul Shepherd.
Thank You,
Jim Chmelik
Dear Editor,
The old adage “you need to dance with the one who brung ya” applies
to barn dances and politics. In this case the ones bringing Lee Heinrich
to the dance are Political Action Committees and mega international corporations
such as Phillip Morris USA and Anheuser-Busch Co., Inc. According to incumbent
state senator Heinrich’s Sunshine Report these are the groups supporting
his re-election to office. Why should I vote for someone who will represent
interests outside of District 8 in Idaho? What dance is he doing for them?
No, I think I would rather vote for Randy Doman. His Sunshine Report
indicates he is supported by individuals most of whom live and work in
District 8.
Please look closely at the candidates and their supporters when you
vote on November 4th. Doman is the choice for Idaho residents to represent
us in our state legislature.
Terri Tackett
Grangeville |
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