Letters to the editor from this week's Chronicle:

Can't Serve Two Masters
As I have been watching this political season unfold here on the local level I am becoming confused. The three democrats running for state senate and representatives are out hard campaigning telling everyone they are conservative. Especially Paul Shepherd's opponent, who is trying to sell everyone on the falsehood that he is every bit as conservative as Paul Shepherd. If this is the case, why does he want Paul's job so badly and the more important question is, if he is so conservative why isn't he a republican? If he wants to go to Boise to uphold our conservative ideals, than why does he belong to the party that is lead by liberal, power seeking elitists? It reminds me of a verse from the bible in Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters: either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other."  I believe it will be impossible for a democrat to go to Boise and not vote the way his liberal party tells him to vote. If he tries, he will be shun by his own party and not trusted by the Republican party. As a result, we will be left without representation for District 8 to help us on the state level. 
Rehder promises a conservative stance, but if he is elected we will be left without an affective representative to protect our interest against the liberal big city interest from Boise and Sun Valley? When you vote in November, vote for Paul Shepard and the rest of the republican team. They have already proven themselves in protecting our conservative way of life in central Idaho. Don't loose sight of the big picture.
Lot Smith

Remember citizens of District 8 that Lee Heinrich has served as Senator already and has accomplished many beneficial things for District 8 and the people of Idaho.  Also Lee has had many years’ experience as and elected public servant for Valley County.  Lee has been a very successful businessman.  So for continued good representation vote for a man of honesty and integrity to be Senator for District 8 Lee Heinrich!!
Shorty & Marge Arnzen
Cottonwood, ID 83522

Our having known Paul & Dawn Shepard for many years has proven to us that they are family first, very ambitious and honest citizens.  Paul has proven record of A-1 attendance as Idaho’s District 8 Representative, along with creating economy and employment with his tax paying business hea has been a very strong and true Conservative Servant for District 8.  For continued sincere representation from a very good man.  Vote Paul Shepard!!
Shorty & Marge Arnzen
Cottonwood, ID 83522

Dear Editor;
Voting for Modern Democrats?
I find it interesting that one would say he is Pro-Life but run on a party ticket that is Pro-Choice.
I find it interesting that one would say he is Pro-gun but run on a party ticket that is Anti-Gun.
I find it interesting that one would say he is against the wolf reintroduction but run on the ticket that brought us the wolves.
I find it interesting that one would say he is for the use of our public land (harvesting timber and ATV access) but run on a ticket that has been so successful at locking it up and preventing access (remember the Clinton Roadless issue).
Let’s put things in perspective; 
If you vote for a Democratic candidate on Nov. 4, you are voting for someone that will support the modern Democratic platform and their candidates at the top of the ticket.
If you vote for a Democratic candidate you are supporting the appointment of more federal judges (like Clinton appointed judges) just like the ones that voted against our 2nd Amendment Rights and just like the one that just told Idaho we can not shoot wolves.
When you vote for a Republican candidate on Nov. 4, you are voting for someone that will be supporting their party platform and there candidates at the top of the ticket.
Please reflect on what is at stake the November. Vote Republican to up hold Idaho’s basic values.
Skip Brandt

The Three Wise Men
To the Editor,
I judge someone by how they treat the innocent; I’m speaking of the unborn.  Sadly, if we snuff out the life of an innocent unborn child, “aiming to kill” our elderly is simply the other next step. 
Many are thankful that we have three very wise men representing us in our huge Idaho District Eight.  This district includes four counties: Valley, Idaho, Clearwater and Lewis. 
During the 2008 legislative session State Representative Ken Roberts, State Senator Lee Heinrich and State Representative Paul Shepherd, all supported and helped pass HB 654aa:  It will be a criminal act to coerce or attempt to coerce a woman to obtain an abortion.  
These three men wisely choose life. They uphold the platform of the Idaho Republican Party which is…”We reaffirm our support for the sanctity of life and the rights of the unborn child.”   Continue to support life for the innocents,  by supporting these three wise men.
Betty Alm

To the Editor
Congressman Sali has done some really good things for Idaho in the short amount of time he’s been in office.  He successfully blocked an attempt by the federal government to ban recreational shooting on public land.  He worked to get the Sand Creek Byway project moving forward.  He’s been fighting FEMA to protect property owners in Nampa and Caldwell.  He’s been supporting recreationists who use Lake Cascade and have private boat docks.  The list goes on.  Unfortunately the media has refused to report on any of this- the substantive works which have been done by Bill Sali are largely ignored in favor of pot-shots aimed at his character and staff.  The responsibility of the press is to portray the candidates for office in a responsible and effective manner that shows them for whom they are and where they stand.  Unfortunately, Idaho’s press has been woefully negligent in this manner.
Chris Casteel
Boise Idaho

Bill has done a great job representing all of Idaho in Congress.  He has shown that he has the backbone to make tough votes and do the right thing for the future of our children and our grandchildren.  He has shown that he will fight for Idaho values in Washington DC.  Time and time again, he has proven that he understands that vision our Founding Fathers and knows how to articulate it while debating the issues of today.
I started my service in Congress like Bill, representing Idaho’s First Congressional District.  I know what it takes and I am convinced that Bill Sali will be one of America’s great leaders in the years ahead.  His Republican peers elected him President of their 2006 Freshman class.  In his first term he has distinguished himself as a principled legislator who will stand firm on what is right for Idaho and America.  He has cast the tough votes that are needed to fight business as usual in Washington DC.  Congressman Sali has done an outstanding job representing Idaho’s First Congressional District and I hope that you will join me in supporting him for reelection this November.
Yours For a Free Society,
Senator Steve Symms (retired)
Washington DC

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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