Monastery of St. Gertrude – 100th Anniversary
From August 2008 until August 2009, the sisters of the Monastery of St. Gertrude are celebrating 100 years “at home” in Idaho. During the year and as a monthly feature, the Historical Museum at St. Gertrude will be contributing a feature article entitled “100 Years Ago This Month” for the Cottonwood Chronicle. We hope you enjoy this historical venture. We welcome your comments. (Compiled by Sister Bernice Wessels, O.S.B.) LOCAL NEWS
Attorney Miles Johnson and Honorable Campbell Bushnell of Lewiston will speak at the Odd Fellows Hall tomorrow evening on the political issues from a Republican standpoint. Quite a few more railroad laborers were brought to assist with the work on the prairie line. There are now more than 120 men engaged in laying the track across the prairie to Grangeville. The railroad company is rushing the work in order to get the road completed before bad weather sets in. General Agent W.J. Jordan of Lewiston and Traveling Passenger Agent W.H Ude of Spokane were here distributing literature for the “Camas Prairie Special” which will run the prairie line from Cottonwood to Lewiston next week, to give people of Idaho County an opportunity to visit the Lewiston/Clarkston fair. The 1st real passenger train to leave Cottonwood pulled out from the depot site at 6:00 a.m., Tuesday October 13, filled with passengers bound for Lewiston to visit the fair. The huge train with 12 coaches attached made a pretty sight to the citizens from here who have waited so long to see the cars running across the Camas Prairie. The train was properly termed “The Camas Prairie Special” and among the passengers were many pioneer citizens of Idaho County, who took advantage of the occasion to ride out the 1st train to leave the prairie. Max Gentry has purchased the Cottonwood Café from Charles Brackett and will operate it in the future. The German State Bank (the current Riener’s Grocery) recently installed a fine Burroughs adding machine at a cost of $375. Miss Asker who was employed until recently in the Turner home is reported as being ill with diphtheria. Miss Florence Stevenson, a teacher in the public school was taken ill with diphtheria and is now under quaratine. Because of her illness, the school board decided to close school for a week in order to prevent the spread of the disease if possible. The Catholic Paarochial school has also been closed while waiting further developments. The Chronicle is pleased to announce the news that Cottonwood is soon to have 2 large hotels. Since the fire last July the town has been in very poor shape to handle the transient and even the local trade, but this condition will soon be remedied and Cottonwood will be provided with 2 of the largest and best hostelries to be found in central Idaho. The period of 40 hours’ devotion began this morning at the Catholic Church and will continue until Sunday. Cottonwood will have a daily mail service in the near future. Mr. Higdon has decided to run his stage between Cottonwood and Vollmer on Sunday as well as during the week. Mrs. J.B. Borger sold her farm near Keuterville this week to Barney Goeckner of Dietrich, Illinois for $3,500. Mr. Goeckner expects to take possession of the place sometime next year. About the middle of September 1908 the noviciate (the first step for young ladies entering the convent) was canonically erected at St. Gertrude’s, Cottonwood. The Holy Father, the Pope, had agreed to the petition to move to Cottonwood. The Rt. Rev. Bishop E.H. O’Dea of Seattle had at first opposed the transfer. However, on September 10, 1908 he gave the desired permission. St. Scholastica’s at Colton became an Academy only, with High School, Business course and Music etc. The parochial school was also to be taught by Sisters living at the Academy. The Pravda newspaper is founded by Leon Trotsky The University of Alberta is founded at Edmonton, Canada Bulgaria declares its independence from the Ottoman Empire. Ferdinand I of Bulgaria becomes Tsar. Article 25 of the Treaty of Berlin (July 13,1878) gave Austria-Hungary the right to occupy and administer the two provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Austria-Hungary in 1908 annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was announced formally on October 6, 1908 which began the Bosnean crisis. The Church of the Nazarene is organized officially at Pilot Point, Texas, as the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene. This is the official “birthday” of the denomination. The 6th International Congress on Tuberculosis held in Washington, D.C. September 28-October 5. It was planned , fundraised and coordinated by the American National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. The 1908 Olympia games began in April and ended in October. These Olympic Games mark the first appearance of diving and field hockey. Temperance Society paraded the streets of Chicago, Saturday in what was intended to be an exhibition of their strength. Renewed efforts are being made at the coming session of Congress to secure legislation to restrict the importation of opium into the United States. October Birthdays – 1908 Carole Lombard – American actress Lee Wiley – American jazz singer John Gould – American humorist/columnist John Kenneth Galbraith – Canadian Economist Ilya Frank – Russian physicist Nobel Prize winner |