Blood drive challenge
Once again it is time for another miraculous Red Cross Blood drive to be held at Cottonwood on October 28th.  I call it miraculous because such a simple act can actually save lives.  Routinely Emergency Service Providers perform acts of courage and outstanding abilities to save lives, so this simple act should be quite easy for everyone.
With that in mind, I’m offering a chance for the Fire Departments and EMS/Hospital folks to save face!
Some time ago Cottonwood Police offered a challenge to the Fire and EMS providers in the area.  The challenge was to see which organization; Law Enforcement, Fire Departments, or Emergency Medical, would have the most members donate blood at the blood drive.  We had neutral folks keep track of who all registered, and keep count of which organization they were representing.  Law Enforcement royally TROUNCED all the others!!
In the spirit of sportsmanship Cottonwood Police Department would like to again offer the same challenge.  I would encourage any and all associates of any Fire Department (perhaps elevator companies who assist the fire departments with field fires?) to participate.  How about the ambulance crews, hospital staff, all the clinic employees?  I think they could be included in the EMS category.  For the Law Enforcement let’s get local, county, state, fish and game, probation and parole, juvenile probation, correctional officers and counselors, Sheriffs, deputies, Sheriff Candidates, any organization related to Law Enforcement to participate.
AND, to sweeten the pot just a bit, as I predict that Law Enforcement will again trounce all others, I will personally wash one vehicle of the other agencies choice IF we don’t have the outstanding numbers that I predict and win the challenge.  Any of the other agencies car to match the offer?
If you would like to join this challenge please contact Brenda Kaschmitter or Cheri Holthaus at St. Marys Hospital at (208) 962-3251 to make an appointment.
Thanks, and good luck!!!!
Terry S. Cochran
Chief of Police
City of Cottonwood

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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