More 52-Pickup winners
Here's the results of the drawing for the KC 52 Pickup winners from the December meeting of KC #1389.  The winners are as follows:
Week               Winner                 Amount
22               Mary Uhlorn              $50.00
23               Shelly Kuther             $50.00
24               Ted Arnzen               $200.00
25               Vern Gehring             $50.00
26               Dave Nuxoll              $50.00
27               Bud Schober             $50.00
28               Vern Uhlorn              $50.00
Congratulations to the winners.  You should have received your winnings by now.  
Thank you for supporting the Knights of Columbus and our charitable projects.  Remember we only sell 300 tickets and there are 53 winners.  It's not late to join the fun as we have more tickets available.  Remember that once your ticket is drawn you are pulled from the pot and no longer eligible for the $500 drawing.  Please contact any KC member or Greg Sonnen, Jim Remacle, or Max Nuxoll  for your tickets.  Don't miss out on the opportunity to win the grand prize and buy your tickets now.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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