Tri-Parish Youth activities for January
With January comes the invitation for new beginnings. It is here that we would like to invite you to join us, the youth of our parishes as we encounter Christ each day in a new way and to embrace him through the process of prayer time, social events, faith learning and fellowship opportunities. Come and see what the Lord has to offer you as you begin the New Year!
On Jan 2nd all of the Prairie High School and Summit Academy graduates are invited to our annual alumni game at Prairie Middle School. The women's game will start promptly at 6:00 p.m. The men's game will follow. Concessions, a three point contest and free throw contests are also on the agenda for the evening. Grab your friends and
join us for a night of family fun! (The cost to play is $5.00, general admission is $3.00,
and students pay $2.00.) All proceeds go toward our 2010 mission trip to Mexico.
On Jan. 5 The RCIT class will meet in Debbie's office from 3:30-6:30. Please bring your books. On Jan. 6th the planning team for the upcoming ministry fair will meet at 7:00 p.m. in Debbie's office. 
On Jan. 7th the Tri-Parish Peer ministers will meet in Debbie's office at 7:00 p.m. to plan the monthly faith session for the Jr. High and High School youth.
On Jan. 12th the RCIT class will meet in Debbie's office from 3:30-6:30. At 7:00 p.m. the Theology of the Body group will meet in Debbie's office. Pizza will be provided at 6:30. Please bring your books. 
On Jan 14th the Confirmation class will meet at the JHPB at 7:30. Focus: Be prepared to discuss Chapter 4. On Jan. 16th all Jr. High Rally forms are due to the parish office.
On Jan. 19th the Confirmation class will meet at St. Mary's church at 7:30. We will begin the session with an ice-cream social. The youth will get a chance to visit with their Confirmation mentors/prayer partners during this time. Class will continue at 8: 15. Focus: Be prepared to discuss Chapter 5. 
On Jan. 21st the Peer ministers will host the "REACH" session at the JHPB at 7:00 p.m. All High School and Jr. High Youth are invited and encouraged to attend.
On Jan 28th at 6:00 p.m. the Jr. High and High are invited to the Coffee Mill for our monthly social. Please bring $5.00 for food and a drink. 
On Jan 29th all ICYC forms are due. They can be dropped off with the registration fee of $85.00. We will cover the transportation fee.
May the spirit of the Lord fill your heart with newness and may all that lies ahead in 2009 bring you health, happiness, and hope. Happy New Year!!
In Christ's service, 
Debbie Chicane
Tri-Parish Youth Minister 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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