Monastery of St. Gertrude – 100th Anniversary
From August 2008 until August 2009, the sisters of the Monastery of St. Gertrude are celebrating 100 years “at home” in Idaho. During the year and as a monthly feature, the Historical Museum at St. Gertrude will be contributing a feature article entitled “100 Years Ago This Month” for the Cottonwood Chronicle. We hope you enjoy this historical venture. We welcome your comments. 100 Years Ago This Month – January, 1909
(The following news items are from the Camas Prairie Chronicle)
Local News Quite a bit of snow fell the first of the week and made sleighing fairly good around town. The local warehouses are shipping out from five to six cars of grain every day; however, it will take quite a while before they are empty again. H.J. Coggins, the veterinary surgeon, informed us he will be in Cottonwood
each week on Friday and Saturday. Those needing his help should not
miss seeing him on these days.
Joe Schober is preparing to have a new front put in his building on Main Street. Later, he will open a confectionery store and lunch counter there. Eighteen inches of snow adorned the landscape last week. Old residents say it was the heaviest snow since 1898. Owing to heavy snow, the passenger and freight trains have been running behind. They have not missed a trip though. For dental work of all kinds, call on Dr. Bray, room 6, in the Goldstone block. Dr. Bray has an up to date office and new installations. Father Berthold took up a collection for the earthquake sufferers in Itlay and received $42.00 which was forwarded to the Bishop to be sent to Italy. Anthony Forsmann from Greencreek made an application to make final proof on his homestead. Joe Kaufmann purchased from Felix Funke the $50 saddle which the latter won recently in a raffle. National and International News The annual report of the Department of Health for 1908 rates Chicago as one of the healthiest cities in the world. Matthew McNamara dies. He was the national warden of the Knights of Columbus for many years. Twelve persons were seriously injured recently when a train on the Georgia Coast and Piedmont railroad rolled down a forty foot embankment. The accident was caused by high speed in rounding a curve. The cocoa crop this season in Ecuador is the largest ever produced. It amounted to 50,000,000 pounds. The price averages about 50% less than last year The Old Age Pensions Act of 1908 comes into force in Britain. United States troops leave Cuba after being there since the Spanish
American War
Cuba's U.S. administrator Charles Magoon turns over the reigns of government January 28 to the newly-elected Liberal president José Miguel Gómez. Colombia recognizes the independence of Panama. Irish polar explorer Ernest H. (Henry) Shackleton, 34, and his party reach latitude 88° 23' South January 9, coming within 97 miles (156 kilometers) of the South Pole after having climbed Mount Erebus (13,200 feet, or 4,023 meters) en route. His expedition has been supported by the Royal Geographical Society, and he is knighted upon his return from the Antarctic. Richard Strauss’ opera “Elektra” receives its debut performance at the Dresden State Opera. The “Young Left” is founded in Norway. Drilling begins on the Lakeview Gusher A 40,000-year-old Neanderthal boy skeleton is found at Le Moustier in southwest France An earthquake in Persia January 23 leaves an estimated 5,500 dead The Bureau of Investigation, forerunner of the FBI, is founded The Converse Rubber Shoe Company (also known as the Boston Rubber Shoe
Company) is formed in Malden, Massachusetts
January Birthdays Johnny Mercer - singer, lyricist