to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Editor’s note: Prairie Middle School principal Rene’ Forsmann wanted
to share this letter she received.
Dear Ms. Forsmann,
I had the distinct pleasure of working with a group of 7th and 8th
grade students from Prairie last Friday. We did a DNA / plant breeding
workshop and they were a delight. They were respectful, attentive, and
participated in the workshop. They even said "thank you" without being
prompted. I see quite a few groups that come to campus and hope that one
or two students will appreciate the workshop, but here the whole group
was a joy. They made my afternoon.
Please relay this to the teachers and the students. I appreciated their
attention and demeanor while they were in the greenhouse and would gladly
work with any groups Prairie sends up to the U of I in the future!
Jennifer Hansen
Winter Wheat Breeding
University of Idaho
Obama’s economy fix plan to cost 3 Trillion Dollars!!!
Do you know how much a Trillion Dollars is?
If you spent one million dollars every DAY since Jesus Christ came
upon the earth, you would not have spent one trillion dollars yet!!!
So just multiply this figure and see how many more years of taxation!
Shorty Arnzen
Editor's Note: If you do the math, $365 million per year for 2009
years you come up with just under 3/4 of a trillion dollars.
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