to the editor from this week's Chronicle:
Dear Editor
ANOTHER TITANIC The Bush-Cheney crew, that includes Congressmen Simpson, Crapo and Craig are now belly aching about Obamas rescue operation. These are the same Congressmen that took a huge Clinton budget surplus and turned it into a ten trillion dollar deficit. I’m eighty years old, was raised in Idaho and don’t go for the snow jobs by congressmen. These congressmen were in charge of steering our ship when it hit the iceberg. Now they don’t have time to read the rescue instructions from Obama while our ship is sinking. My advice to you Congressmen is: If you don’t have time to help, “get the hell out of the way.” As for congressman Simpson, he has every reason to be embarrassed for creating a deficit that will ruin the future lives of our children for years to come. We are real lucky that the votes of these incompetent congressmen didn’t matter anyway. Robert G. Schultze Riggins, ID To the Editor, The concern that I had was a confusion of data. (Gary refers to a quote from last week's school board story) Our student’s percentage was read as a bench mark of 40.74% which shows that is 12% below fall scores. This is an accurate figure, but the decrease in scores was a result of the other two categories of strategic (above) and intensive (advanced) increasing drastically to show the difference. As the chart show we are well ahead of state standards in our IRI scores and we are of course extremely proud of our results and the efforts of our students and staff. If parents would like more information concerning the other classes, please call my office for results. 962-3971 Sincerely, Gary Blaz Cottonwood Supt. |