Updated July 30, 2009
Raspberry Festival set for Sunday
Go to http://www.cottonwoodchronicle.com/072309/three.html for information on the festival. . . .
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Rieman reports from Boston
“I want to be a doctor even more now that I’ve been to Boston and know a bit more about what a medical student and a doctor does,” said Conner Rieman a Prairie High School senior who recently attended a ten day National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine in Boston. . . .
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Peg Gehring joins SMHC as FNP
Peg Gehring, FNP, made two changes in her life recently.  She completed her coursework and clinical rotations to graduate with a Masters Degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner and she also switched places of employment.  . . .
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Possible big cat sighted in town; From the Police Chief
Cottonwood Police Chief Terry Cochran has been getting reports of some kind of big cat, either a cougar or bobcat, being seen in town. . . .
Hello  Everyone,
After reading last week’s paper regarding the much deserved award presentation for Cassidy Locket for her actions during the recent prison escape of two individuals who attempted to break into her residence I felt that I should clarify a couple things. . . .
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Boy and Cub Scout news
There are three articles on this page about the Boy and Cub Scouts. . . .
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Kuther family reunion held at Ferdinand
Almost 200 members of the Joe and Antoinette (Weis) Kuther family and their guests gathered in Ferdinand on July 11 for a Kuther family reunion.  Joe and Nettie raised eight children in Ferdinand.  They were Len, Cletus, and Eugene “Pooch” Kuther, Elaine Kinzer, Marie Duman, Kathryn Bain, Toni Haugen and Marlene VanMetre. . . .
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Choir to practice on August 10
The Cottonwood Community Choir will have practice Monday, August 10, 2009 at 7 pm in the high school music room.  . . .
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Friends of NRA annual dinner set
The Friends of the NRA (National Rifle Association) are holding their Annual Dinner & Auction at the IOOF and Rebekah Lodge #825, at the end of North C and Cunnigham Street in Grangeville on August 7.  . . .
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Rails to trails meeting set
A public input meeting for a rails-to-trails project is being held in Grangeville on August 5, 7.pm., at the Grangeville Physical Therapy building.  . . .
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School supply lists
On this page are the school supply lists for grades k-8 at Prairie schools. . . .
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Letters to the Editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's print edition of the Chronicle. . . .
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Conner Rieman, Prairie High School senior, is pictured with David Lindquist, MD, an ER physician.  Rieman learned some diagnostic techniques using a simulation mannequin during a ten day National Youth Leadership Forum/Medicine in Boston. See story at left.

Vivian Wilson from the Nez Perce National Historical Park in Spaulding visited the kids at the Summer Reading Program.  She shared some interesting information on owls and brought a disected owl pellet containing a mouse skeleton.  Thanks to Vivian and Naomi for a fun afternoon.  The last day of the Summer Reading Program will be this Thursday at the Library.  The kids are reminded to bring their reading charts and a craft or art project from home. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Cletus Kuther, Marlene VanMetre, Kathryn Bain, Toni Haugen, Eugene "Pooch" Kuther.  These are the five living children of Joe and Antoinette (Weis) Kuther. More photos with the Kuther reunion article at left.

Cottonwood Scouts at the Relay for Life event at Grangeville. Back from left are Shari Chaffee, Mike Karel, Dan Karel, Frank Spencer and Matthew Jungert. Middle from left are Tyler Hankerson, Drew Cochran, Dakota Wilson and Seth Chaffee. Front from left are Anthony Karel, Hunter Chaffee, Philip Spencer and Jared Coppernoll. See the Boy Scout page at left.
Back from left are Rick Bockman, Nick Sessions, Mathew Watson, Philip Spncer, Hunter Chaffee, Rylie Pecoff and Anthony Karel. Front from left are Mike Watson, Penny Sessions, Joe Luey (den chief) and Shari Chaffee. See the Boy Scout page at left.

Recently a group was working at the Cottonwood Butte Ski Area getting it ready for next year.  They are shown painting the lodge. Shown in the top photo are  Lydia Lustig, Teresa Lustig, Demetria Riener and Monica Lustig while in the lower photo are Lydia Lustig and Bobbi Tidwell. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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