Camp Grizzly is a place where boys can be boys and experience many adventures and learn new life skills. The local Boy Scouts attended Camp Grizzly on July 19-25th 2009. Here at camp grizzly they explore and do things that they might not get to do at home. Making new friends and doing a good turn daily happens on a daily basis. One of the most important things that they boys learn is to take care of the land that God has given us. To preserve and make better. More importantly they Honor our United States Flag. Morning and night the boy scouts pay respect to our U.S. flag. One night during the week we go on a walk through the woods on the Honor Trail. There are stops along the way of the HooDoo trail. We learn history of camp grizzly and the events that went on in the past. The boy scouts are making history at camp grizzly, something they will never forget. At the end of the Honor trail we meet at the fire bowl. We sing songs and enjoy the quietness of the night. The honor guard come out in formation with a flag to be retired. It has done its job serving our country and now is ready to be retired. The flag that was retired was off a Navy ship, tattered and torn it done is job and now can rest. Boy scouts achieved many goals in getting their required merit badges such as: camping, first aid, emergency preparedness, fish and wildlife, rowing, Indian lore, orienteering, snorkeling, Paul Bunyan, trail to first class and replaced the shingles on the front of the Med shack, for a service project. Thank you to the Cottonwood community for all your support, we couldn’t do it without you. |